1. Warnung.bund.de
  2. Katwarn - Aktuelle Warnungen
  3. BIWAPP Bürger Info & Warn App


  4. The Search Engine Map
  5. Comparison of web search engines - Wikipedia

    Search Engines Meta

  6. eTools.ch - The Transparent Metasearch Engine from Switzerland
  7. MetaGer, mehr als eine Suchmaschine: unabhängig, transparent, demokratisch, quellcode-offen, datensicher, privatsphären-geschützt
  8. searx (honigdachse.de) - auch als m2lf3e5iyb4lv46p.onion
  9. Searx instances - and .onion
  10. Sepia Search - A search engine of PeerTube videos, channels and playlists
  11. Wikipedia Search (ixquick)
  12. Startpage Search Engine ixquick Google
  13. duck.co - The DuckDuckGo Community - All things DuckDuckGo
  14. DuckDuckHack
  15. YaCy Distributed Web Search - YaCy is a scalable personal web crawler and web search engine.
  16. Yippy
  17. # Schnellsuche.de - Suchmaschinen
  18. WWW Virtual Library
  19. Unix-AG - CUSI - Configurable Unified Search Engine
  20. IntelTechniques OSINT Online Search Tool

    Search Engines

  21. DuckDuckGo and as .onion address
  22. audits/ddg.md · master · Inspector Gadget / Cyberservices Ethics Audit Project · GitLab - the not so pure DuckDuckGo
  23. Qwant
  24. Qwant Lite
  25. Stract - mostly displays results for only what you searched for; opt-out from Settings - Privacy - Allow usage statistics
  26. Web Search - Exalead
  27. Google https webhp?hl=en
  28. Google intl/en/
  29. Google Deutschland
  30. Google Erweiterte Suche - ohne Preisvergleiche, Auktionen, und Dialer ...
  31. Gigablast
  32. WEB.DE Suche
  33. Seekport.de
  34. Ask Jeeves - Ask.com
  35. Answers.com - Online Dictionary, Encyclopedia and much more
  36. Stack Exchange - Free, Community-Powered Q&A
  37. fastbot>>
  38. Lycos
  39. Search engine and human edited web directory KartOO
  40. Fireball
  41. Teoma - Search with Authority
  42. Suche t-online.de
  43. Bing
  44. Time Travel (mementoweb.org)
  45. Internet Archive: Wayback Machine
  46. Webpage archive (archive.is) - webpage snapshots
  47. WebCite - an on-demand archiving system for webreferences
  48. ArchiveBox | 🗃 Open source self-hosted web archiving. Takes URLs/browser history/bookmarks/Pocket/Pinboard/etc., saves HTML, JS, PDFs, media, and more…
  49. arXiv.org e-Print archive
  50. YaCy: P2P Web Search Engine

    Search Infos

  51. Die Suchfibel
  52. Klug Suchen!
  53. top-info.com - professionelle online-Recherche für Journalisten
  54. Suchmaschinen - Magazin @-web
  55. Search Engine Watch: Tips About Internet Search Engines & Search Engine Submission
  56. John Battelle's Searchblog
  57. DuckDuckGo's privacy abuses-- current, historic, and by proxy - Lemmy

    Search Special

  58. GeoTags Location-Based Search Engine
  59. geometa.info - Die Suchmaschine für Geodienste, Geodaten und Online-Karten
  60. Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (Research at the Getty)
  61. Artcyclopedia: The Fine Art Search Engine
  62. TinEye Reverse Image Search
  63. PimEyes: Face Recognition Search Engine and Reverse Image Search
  64. midomi - Search for music by singing or humming part of a song.
  65. Wissenschaftliche Suchmaschine BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine: Standardsuche
  66. vascoda - the internet-portal for scientific and scholary information
  67. Medizinwissen suchen, KnowHow teilen - DocCheck Flexikon
  68. MeIND - Metadata on Internet Documents
  69. SHODAN - Computer Search Engine - expose online devices
  70. MedCrawler.de - Die Suchmaschine für Medizin und Gesundheit
  71. Invisible-web.net - Searchable databases and specialized search engines
  72. mundraub.org - Finde #Stadtfrüchte
  73. Fagan Finder // search engines, reference, tools, and more
  74. NNDB: Tracking the entire world - Notable Names Data Base
  75. toool.de · Alles auf einen Klick ·
  76. www.eventax.de - Die Metasuchmaschine für Veranstaltungen - Finding events online just became easier
  77. wazap! game search | spiele suche
  78. Powercat - Webkatalog für Frauen
  79. Picsearch - die Suchmaschine für Bilder und Fotos
  80. Search FishBase
  81. Search Bastard FAQ
  82. IDGR - Suche und Recherche
  83. YACY: a freeware caching HTTP Proxy in Java with integrated search engine - p2p-based Web indexing network
  84. WWW-Server in Deutschland
  85. Personen / Infos zu Name - Personen-Suchmaschine yasni
  86. | StayFriends | Die Freunde-Suchmaschine
  87. Passado.de - Klassentreffen organisieren und Schulfreunde wiederfinden.
  88. FamousFix Home - celebreties search

    Google Di Moogle

  89. De-google-ify Internet
  90. Google Cache - replace %s with http://...
  91. The Google Cemetery - List of dead Google products
  92. Goomics - Comics about life at Google
  93. Google Groups
  94. Google Earth
  95. Google Transit
  96. Google Blog Search
  97. Google Scholar
  98. Google Print
  99. Google Video
  100. Google Finance
  101. Froogle
  102. Froogle Deutschland
  103. Google Trends
  104. Google Insights for Search
  105. Google Help : Search Features
  106. Google Labs
  107. Google Doodles
  108. Latest Google Doodles RSS
  109. Google Suggest
  110. Official Google Research Blog
  111. Official Google Blog
  112. Google Weblog (just a name, thestartupnews)
  113. Google Guide: Help with Searching
  114. Google Guide: Crafting Your Query (Using Special Characters)
  115. Google Guide: Using Search Operators (Advanced Operators)
  116. Google Maps
  117. Google Sightseeing
  118. Flood Maps
  119. DarkSiteFinder.com - Light Pollution Map
  120. Google Hacks - The projects listed are Google Hacks in that they use Google for something fun or interesting in a way that Google was not designed for. Also visit the other map projects.
  121. Localized Google Search Result Exclusions: Statement of Issues & A Call for Data
  122. Chilling Effects Google Search Comparator - a side-by-side comparison of Google searches in different domains
  123. Google China Search Comparison
  124. Lumen - censorship database; formerly Chilling Effects Clearinghouse
  125. Anonymizing Google's cookie
  126. Google Watch
  127. Google Watch Watch
  128. Googlism
  129. Google Fight : Make a fight with googleFight
  130. Picular - Google, but for colors.
  131. Die Google-Gesellschaft
  132. Let me google that for you
  133. c't 10/2006, S. 162: Google: Marktmacht - Jenseits von gut und böse - Der unheimliche Erfolg von Google
  134. c't 10/2006, S. 168: Google: Datensammler - Der Datenkrake - Google und der Datenschutz
  135. c't 10/2006, S. 172: Google: die Gegenbewegung - Europäische Gegenströmung - Bestrebungen zur Entwicklung europäischer Google-Konkurrenten
  136. c't 10/2006, S. 176: Google-Alternativen - Googlehagel - Alternativen zum Marktführer
  137. How the CIA made Google – INSURGE intelligence – Medium
  138. Why Google made the NSA – INSURGE intelligence – Medium
  139. So schufen NSA und CIA Google
  140. Google's true origin partly lies in CIA and NSA research grants for mass surveillance — Quartz

    Search Auskünfte

  141. Telefonbuch - Auskunft - Telefonnummer - Branchenbuch | GoYellow.de | GoYellow.de
  142. YellowMap - Alles in Ihrer Nähe!
  143. Arzt-Auskunft - Der Arzt-Such-Service der Stiftung Gesundheit
  144. HipRank.com | Word on the web


  145. oss-security mailing list
  146. USENIX Security '18-Q: Why Do Keynote Speakers Keep Suggesting That Improving Security Is Possible? - YouTube
  147. Zero Day Initiative
  148. security.txt: Proposed standard for defining security policies
  149. RFC 9116: A File Format to Aid in Security Vulnerability Disclosure
  150. Schneier on Security
  151. Security Affairs - Read, think, share … Security is everyone's responsibilitySecurity Affairs
  152. The Citizen Lab - University of Toronto
  153. Almost Secure (palant.info)
  154. Security and So Many Things
  155. Have I been pwned? Check if your email has been compromised in a data breach - Adobe, Bell, Boxee, Forbes, Snapchat, Sony, Vodafone, Yahoo, ...
  156. Troy Hunt: Introducing 306 Million Freely Downloadable Pwned Passwords
  157. Troy Hunt: I've Just Launched "Pwned Passwords" V2 With Half a Billion Passwords for Download
  158. Identity Leak Checker (hpi.de) - email address and personal data in the wild?
  159. GhostProject - email address or username
  160. IONOS Validierungs-Service - Phishing Mails
  161. Validierungs-Service für Ihre E-Mail | STRATO - Phishing Mails
  162. Report a Phishing Page - Google Safebrowsing
  163. URL and website scanner - urlscan.io
  164. badssl.com - see the SSL errors you can get with your browser
  165. Project Zero - vulnerabilities everywhere
  166. Privacy vs. Anonymity vs. Security: Why They Don't All Mean the Same Thing
  167. Articles | Madaidan's Insecurities - Security & Privacy Evaluations
  168. Security and Privacy Advice | Madaidan's Insecurities
  169. BSI - Kampagne "einfach aBSIchern"
  170. BSI - Sichere Passwörter erstellen
  171. What the !#@% is a Passkey? | Electronic Frontier Foundation
  172. The WIRED Guide to Digital Security | WIRED
  173. DIY Feminist Cybersecurity
  174. Security In A Box | Tools and tactics for your digital security - a tad outdated..
  175. apenwarr/sshuttle · GitHub - Transparent proxy server that works as a poor man's VPN. Forwards over ssh. Doesn't require admin. Works with Linux and MacOS. Supports DNS tunneling.
  176. PrivacyBox - The Secure Cloud Storage
  177. Fefes Blog: Ueber Sinn und Unsinn von Certificates
  178. CAcert.org - free digital certificates
  179. FAQ/AssurancePrefilledForms - CAcert Wiki
  180. AngepasstesCAPFormular - CAcert Wiki
  181. FAQ/BrowserClients - CAcert Wiki - how to import the CAcert Root Certificate in your web browser
  182. FAQ - CAcert Wiki #Certificate - Root, Browser, Client, Email, Server Certificates
  183. StartSSL(TM) Certificates & Public Key Infrastructure
  184. SSL für lau | heise Security - StartSSL Zertifikate erstellen und einbinden
  185. Let's Encrypt
  186. Chain of Trust - Let's Encrypt
  187. Certificate Compatibility - Let's Encrypt
  188. Production Chain Changes - API Announcements - Let's Encrypt Community Support
  189. DST Root CA X3 Expiration (September 2021) - Let's Encrypt
  190. Extending Android Device Compatibility for Let's Encrypt Certificates - Let's Encrypt
  191. Certbot - Automatically enable HTTPS on your website with EFF's Certbot, deploying Let's Encrypt certificates.
  192. GitHub - diafygi/acme-nosudo: Free HTTPS certificates without having to trust the letsencrypt cli with sudo/root
  193. GitHub - zenhack/simp_le: Simple Let's Encrypt client
  194. Free SSL Certificates and SSL Tools - ZeroSSL
  195. mkcert.org - Take control of your certificate trust store.
  196. Introducing Universal SSL - CloudFlare
  197. xca | SourceForge.net - X Certificate and Key management is an interface for managing asymetric keys like RSA or DSA. It is intended as a small CA for creation and signing certificates. It uses the OpenSSL library for the cryptographic operations.
  198. tlshelpers/matchcertkey at master · hannob/tlshelpers · GitHub - Check if certificate and private key match, as mentioned in How I tricked Symantec with a Fake Private Key - Hanno's blog
  199. smallstep - Everything you should know about certificates and PKI but are too afraid to ask
  200. Certificate Transparency : Certificate Transparency - Working together to detect maliciously or mistakenly issued certificates.
  201. ioerror/duraconf · GitHub - A collection of hardened configuration files for SSL/TLS services (Jacob Appelbaum)
  202. Observatory by Mozilla
  203. GitHub - drwetter/testssl.sh: Testing TLS/SSL encryption anywhere on any port
  204. Qualys SSL Labs - Projects / SSL Server Test
  205. Qualys SSL Labs - Projects / SSL/TLS Deployment Best Practices
  206. Hardenize: Making web site security easy and fun
  207. Test a TLS server on any port - based on /bin/bash based SSL/TLS tester: testssl.sh
  208. CryptCheck
  209. SSL Checker - Test Certificate and Installation
  210. SSL, STARTTLS and Zertifikate prüfen · SSL-Tools - mail server, web server
  211. Analyse your HTTP response headers (securityheaders.io)
  212. Warum wir jetzt Forward Secrecy brauchen | heise Security
  213. Forward Secrecy testen und einrichten | heise Security
  214. trapkit.de - checksec.sh - check mitigation techniques on Linux executables; see also High level explanation on some binary executable security - Simplicity is a form of art...
  215. DROWN Attack
  216. Heartbleed Bug
  217. LastPass - LastPass Heartbleed checker
  218. Test your server for Heartbleed (CVE-2014-0160)
  219. Heartbleed Bug: What Can You Do? — Krebs on Security
  220. ssl - What clients are proven to be vulnerable to Heartbleed? - Information Security Stack Exchange
  221. The Bleeding Hearts Club: Heartbleed Recovery for System Administrators | Electronic Frontier Foundation
  222. Full Disclosure: Re: heartbleed OpenSSL bug CVE-2014-0160 - iptables rules to block heartbeat queries
  223. The Heartbleed Hit List: The Passwords You Need to Change Right Now - US centric and very very small list
  224. Superfish CA + Komodia vulnerability test
  225. When Things Attack - The Akamai Blog - SSHowDowN Proxy and a 12-year old vulnerability in OpenSSH, "The Internet of unpatchable Things"
  226. CPU.fail - Zombieload, RIDL, Fallout, Meltdown
  227. GitHub - speed47/spectre-meltdown-checker: Spectre & Meltdown vulnerability/mitigation checker for Linux
  228. Reading Privileged Memory with a Side Channel - Lenovo mitigation strategy against Spectre and Meltdown, advisories, updates for specific models, ... status page.
  229. Wie man seine IT vor Spectre und Meltdown schützt | iX
  230. Protect your Fedora system against Meltdown - Fedora Magazine
  231. Update on the Meltdown & Spectre vulnerabilities - Fedora Magazine
  232. oss-security - backdoor in upstream xz/liblzma leading to ssh server compromise
  233. Backdoor in upstream xz/liblzma leading to SSH server compromise | Hacker News
  234. [Bug]: Upstream compromised? Or is the compromise? · Issue #92 · tukaani-project/xz · GitHub
  235. Everything I know about the XZ backdoor (boehs.org)
  236. xz-utils backdoor situation (CVE-2024-3094) · GitHub (thesamesam)
  237. XZ Utils backdoor- by Lasse Collin, xz maintainer
  238. A Microcosm of the interactions in Open Source projects - on the example of the xz/liblzma vulnerability
  239. xz/liblzma: Bash-stage Obfuscation Explained - gynvael.coldwind//vx.log
  240. Filippo Valsorda: "I'm watching some folks reverse engineer the xz backdoor, sharing some *preliminary* analysis with permission. The hooked RSA_public_decrypt verifies a signature on the server's host key by a fixed Ed448 key, and then passes a payload to system(). It's RCE, not auth bypass, and gated/unreplayable." — Bluesky
  241. xz-Attacke: Hintertür enträtselt, weitere Details zu betroffenen Distros | heise online
  242. XZ Utils backdoor - Wikipedia
  243. GitHub - skeeto/endlessh: SSH tarpit that slowly sends an endless banner
  244. Ins Internet - Mit Sicherheit (BSI fuer Buerger)
  245. BSI - Newsletter Archiv
  246. Allianz für Cyber-Sicherheit (ACS)
  247. mobilsicher.de – Sicher und informiert mit Smartphone, Tablet und Co.
  248. WID CERT-Bund - Warn- und Informationsdienst des Computer Emergency Response Team der Bundesverwaltung
  249. Digitale Signaturen des CERT-Bund
  250. heise Security - c't-Browsercheck
  251. Gaijin.at - Freeware und Online-Tools
  252. CERT Coordination Center
  253. DFN-CERT Zentrum für sichere Netzdienste
  254. heise Security
  255. All Alerts - Security Database
  256. CVE - Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (cve.mitre.org)
  257. CVE security vulnerability database. Security vulnerabilities, exploits, references and more (cvedetails.com) - searchable by vendor and product
  258. CVE.report - Home
  259. CVE Trends - crowdsourced CVE intel
  260. GitHub - CVEProject/cvelist: Pilot program for CVE submission through GitHub
  261. Common Vulnerability Scoring System SIG - CVSS
  262. Product Security Vulnerability Management - An Open Approach to Vulnerability Management, Red Hat’s Methodology
  263. Packet Storm - security
  264. de.comp.security.firewall - FAQ
  265. Counterpane Internet Security, Inc.
  266. SecurityFocus
  267. Netzwerkcheck | heise Security
  268. List of TCP and UDP port numbers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  269. Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry (IANA)
  270. SG TCP/IP Ports Database (speedguide.net)
  271. FireHOL, Pre-defined service definitions. - descriptions of common applications and their ports
  272. common applications' ports
  273. Open Port Check Tool (CanYouSeeMe)
  274. Outgoing Port Tester
  275. SANS - Internet Storm Center - Cooperative Cyber Threat Monitor And Alert System
  276. Snort.org
  277. Welcome to Security Idiots!!
  278. Full Disclosure Mailing List (seclists.org)
  279. AbuseIPDB - IP address abuse reports - Making the Internet safer, one IP at a time
  280. Internet und Sicherheit - Sicherheit im Internet
  281. The SANS Institute ~ SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security - Computer Security Education and Information Security Training
  282. Netzwerkrouter xDSL-Router Datensicherheit
  283. Router auf WPS-Lücken testen | heise Security
  284. Großstörung bei der Telekom: TR069-Test - Router auf TR-069 testen | heise online
  285. National Security Agency
  286. Willkommen auf der Seite trojaner-info ! - Viren, Trojaner, Trojanische Pferde, Trojanerhilfe und andere Infos
  287. DShield. - Distributed Intrusion Detection System
  288. SimplytheBest Spyware information spyware blockers spyware cleaners
  289. Safe Browsing Tool | WOT (Web of Trust)
  290. SiteAdvisor - Analysis (McAfee)
  291. Identify websites involved in malware incidents, fraudulent and spamming activities (urlvoid.com)
  292. IP Address Blacklist Checker Tool (ipvoid.com)
  293. Sucuri SiteCheck - Free Website Malware Scanner
  294. IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Computer Science, Information Security, Portal page, Infosec
  295. Microsoft Security and Privacy
  296. Logs Digging SafeHack.com
  297. Kurt Seifried - information security
  298. the_simple_computer | Research for Security & Privacy
  299. SecurityTube - Watch, Learn and Contribute Computer Security Videos
  300. [Chaos CD] [Sicherheit im ISDN] Inhaltsverzeichnis
  301. Offensive Security Blog
  302. All About Skimmers — Krebs on Security - watch out where you slip your card in ...
  303. Thunderspy - When Lightning Strikes Thrice: Breaking Thunderbolt 3 Security
  304. Qualifizierte elektronische Signatur – Wikipedia
  305. Unser Service & Support-Angebot - Bundesdruckerei D-TRUST Signaturkarten, Signed Data Service, sign-me
  306. Chipkartenleser-Shop Shop Zertifikat BDR - sign-me Zertifikat und Chipkartenleser für Personalausweis
  307. Open eCard - platform independent open source implementation of the eCard-API-Framework, Personalausweis, Gesundheitskarte, ...
  308. AusweisApp | Flathub
  309. DSS Demonstration WebApp - European Commission CEF Digital Signature Service (DSS)
  310. GitHub - esig/dss: Digital Signature Service : creation, extension and validation of advanced electronic signatures
  311. Vault 7 Megathread - Technical Analysis & Commentary of the CIA Hacking Tools Leak : netsec
  312. Re: Wie erkenne ich ein infiziertes System? | Forum - heise online - (Cisco Talos deckt riesiges Router- und NAS-Botnetz auf)
  313. A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering – Some random thoughts about crypto. Notes from a course I teach. Pictures of my dachshunds.
  314. Web Security Research Papers - PortSwigger Research
  315. Open Source Security Platform | Snyk
  316. PDF Insecurity Website
  317. The Insecurity Industry - by Edward Snowden - Continuing Ed — with Edward Snowden
  318. GRAPHIC NOVEL | Netwars - war heise online netwars / out of CTRL, 2014
  319. UNREDACTED MAGAZINE by Michael Bazzell
  320. Exploit Disclosure: Turning Thunderbird into a Decryption Oracle | pseudorandom
  321. Berühmte Hacker, an die wir uns noch lange erinnern werden (Teil 5)
  322. Linux Security

    Security RSS feeds

  323. https://www.heise.de/security/rss/alert-news-atom.xml
  324. https://www.heise.de/security/rss/news-atom.xml
  325. http://de.trendmicro-europe.com/enterprise/security_info/rssinfo.php
  326. Web-based DNS Randomness Test | DNS-OARC
  327. porttest.dns-oarc.net -- Check your resolver's source port behavior | DNS-OARC
  328. http://www.securityfocus.com/rss/vulnerabilities.xml
  329. Sicherheitstacho.eu

    Vulnerability Special - update your system!

  330. Download details: Step-by-Step Guide to Securing Windows XP Professional in Small and Medium Businesses
  331. Kurt Seifried - Information security / OS / Microsoft / Port informaiton in windows
  332. www.SecurityXploded.com

    If THEY are after you

  333. Forensic Methodology Report: How to catch NSO Group’s Pegasus | Amnesty International
  334. investigations/2021-07-18_nso at master · AmnestyTech/investigations · GitHub - Pegasus
  335. GitHub - mvt-project/mvt: MVT is a forensic tool to look for signs of infection in smartphone devices - like Pegasus
  336. Here’s how to check your phone for Pegasus spyware using Amnesty’s tool - The Verge
  337. Pegasus Spyware: How It Works and What It Collects - by Kim Zetter - Zero Day
  338. FBI document shows what data can be obtained from encrypted messaging apps - The Record by Recorded Future
  339. FBI Document Says the Feds Can Get Your WhatsApp Data -- in Real Time - Rolling Stone


  340. AntiVirus | heise Security
  341. Desinfect | Forum - heise online
  342. AV-Comparatives
  343. VirusLibrary - Virus Information Library and Search
  344. Symantec AntiVirus Research Center
  345. perComp-Verlag GmbH - Anti-Virus-Lösungen mit F-PROT Scanning-Engine
  346. ftp.f-prot.com/pub directory
  347. The WildList Organization International (virus incidents)
  348. Executable file extensions - which you should not open (semi-)automatically
  349. Computer Viruses - Theory and Experiments - 1984, Fred Cohen
  350. VirusTotal - on 42.zip detection
  351. Interactive Online Malware Analysis Sandbox - ANY.RUN
  352. ID Ransomware - Upload a ransom note and/or sample encrypted file to identify the ransomware that has encrypted your data.
  353. The No More Ransom Project

    Email encryption

  354. Email encryption - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  355. Aaron Toponce : Setting Up Mutt With S/MIME And PGP/MIME
  356. Volksverschlüsselung
  357. MSXFAQ.DE:SMIME mit Outlook
  358. DANE SMTP Validator
  359. MessagePack to JSON Converter - Tool Slick
  360. saltpack - a modern crypto messaging format - NaCl and MessagePack
  361. GitHub - keybase/saltpack: a modern crypto messaging format

    GnuPG / PGP

  362. my GnuPG / PGP page


  363. S/MIME - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  364. S/Mime and PGP Products and Interoperability
  365. StartSSL™ Certificates & Public Key Infrastructure - also offers free client certificates
  366. Certificates for secure electronic mail | Actalis S.p.A.
  367. EmailCertificates - CAcert Wiki - S/MIME, sadly with newer browsers only the OpenSSL way works
  368. Welcome to CAcert.org - the CAcert root certificate that you may need to install if someone uses a CAcert S/MIME certificate
  369. Issue Your Own Self-Signed S/MIME Certs with OpenSSL


  370. GED Home - Make the Switch - Global Encryption Day
  371. The International Association for Cryptologic Research
  372. The CrypTool Portal - CrypTool Portal - CrypTool-Online (CTO) runs in a browser and provides a variety of encryption and cryptanalysis methods including illustrated examples and tools like password generator and password meter. - JCrypTool (JCT) is an open-source e-learning platform, allowing to experiment comprehensively with cryptography on Linux, macOS, and Windows.
  373. Cryptography - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  374. GitHub - claucece/useful-crypto-resources: A place for useful crypto-related resources plus some of my fav stuff
  375. index [CryptoParty.]
  376. overview_tools [CryptoParty.]
  377. documentation:handbook [CryptoParty.]
  378. Crypto für alle
  379. Verschlüsselung | heise online
  380. Kryptographie in der IT - Empfehlungen zu Verschlüsselung und Verfahren | heise Security
  381. The Birthday Paradox
  382. Shamir's secret sharing - Wikipedia (en)
  383. Shamir’s Secret Sharing – Wikipedia (de)
  384. ssss: Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme
  385. Debian -- Details of package ssss in stable - Shamir's secret sharing scheme implementation
  386. Shamir's Secret Sharing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  387. digital-scurf → software → libgfshare - A secret sharing library, Shamir's method for secret sharing in the Galois Field 2^8
  388. digital-scurf → software → secretfs - A secret sharing filesystem, to combine secrets made by libgfshare
  389. GitHub - lapets/shamirs: Minimal pure-Python implementation of Shamir's Secret Sharing scheme.
  390. GitHub - cyphar/paperback: Paper backup generator suitable for long-term storage.
  391. GitHub - moserware/SecretSplitter: A program to split up secrets to go along with the blog post "Life, Death, and Splitting Secrets" at Moserware.com
  392. SECCURE Elliptic Curve Crypto Utility for Reliable Encryption
  393. Vault by HashiCorp
  394. GitHub - hashicorp/vault: A tool for secrets management, encryption as a service, and privileged access management
  395. Using Vault: A Practical Guide - ChairNerd
  396. CryptNET: Free Documentation Project
  397. Free Encryption / Cryptographic Software, Free On the Fly Encryption, Steganography, Free Disk Encryption Tools, Free Public Key Encryption Software (thefreecountry.com)
  399. Outguess - Steganography & Watermarking
  400. Darkside Technologies - ICE, SNOW, Gifshuffle
  401. BetterCrypto⋅org - Applied Crypto Hardening for system administrators
  402. Cryptix - Welcome to Cryptix
  403. Ross Anderson's Home Page
  404. Serpent home page
  405. Curve25519 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  406. SafeCurves: Introduction - choosing safe curves for elliptic-curve cryptography
  407. Implementing Curve25519/X25519: A Tutorial on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (PDF) - Martin Kleppmann
  408. Things that use Curve25519 - X25519
  409. Things that use Ed25519
  410. The ChaCha family of stream ciphers
  411. ChaCha Usage & Deployment
  412. Code Book Cipher Challenge Solutions
  413. Unsorted Crypto Links (Lutz Donnerhacke)
  414. Handbook of Applied Cryptography
  415. Cryptography - This document describes a condensed, English version of the cryptografie course given by Gerard Tel.
  416. SILC Secure Internet Live Conferencing
  417. cryptolabs.org | Cryptolabs Amsterdam
  418. CrossCrypt Open Source AES and TwoFish Linux compatible on the fly encryption for Windows XP and Windows 2000.
  419. CrypTool - Homepage - eLearning-Programm für Kryptologie
  420. VeraCrypt - Free Open source disk encryption with strong security for the Paranoid - based on former TrueCrypt
  421. GitHub - HACKERALERT/Picocrypt: A very small, very simple, yet very secure encryption tool.
  422. How to Encrypt USB Flash Drives Using Truecrypt | geekyprojects.com
  423. Encrypting an USB Drive with True Crypt
  424. GitHub - covert-encryption/covert: An encryption format offering better security, performance and ease of use than PGP.
  425. FiloSottile/age: A simple, modern and secure encryption tool (and Go library) with small explicit keys, no config options, and UNIX-style composability.
  426. GitHub - FiloSottile/age: A simple, modern and secure encryption tool (and Go library) with small explicit keys, no config options, and UNIX-style composability.
  427. age package - filippo.io/age - pkg.go.dev
  428. GitHub - str4d/rage: A simple, secure and modern encryption tool (and Rust library) with small explicit keys, no config options, and UNIX-style composability.
  429. GitHub - jojonas/pyage: Actually good encryption. In Python.
  430. GitHub - FiloSottile/mkcert: A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like.
  431. tilde.club wiki – Don’t use VPN services
  432. Bitmask - Encrypted communication for mere mortals, Email and VPN
  433. CalyxVPN - Calyx Institute
  434. Choosing the VPN That's Right for You | Surveillance Self-Defense
  435. Censorship circumvention and encrypting your traffic with a VPN | Security Education Companion
  436. Mullvad VPN - Privacy is a universal right
  437. VPN for Privacy & Security | IVPN | Resist Online Surveillance
  438. SwissVPN - Surf the safer way!
  439. Perfect Privacy VPN Anbieter: Schnell, anonym & sicher im Internet
  440. VPN Anbieter Vergleich
  441. VPN Service Provider – Vergleich 2014 | Test und Erfahrungen
  442. VPN Comparison by That One Privacy Guy
  443. Best VPN for US citizens to avoid the NSA and FBI Snooping
  444. VPN Anbieter kostenlos > sipgate Anleitung
  445. How to Set Up an OpenVPN Server on a Raspberry Pi - DZone IoT
  446. Raspberry Pi VPN Server: Build Your Own Virtual Private Network
  447. openVPN/CommunityTunnel - CAcert Wiki
  448. Do you need a VPN with Tor? How to use a VPN with Tor - VPN over Tor, Tor over VPN
  449. VPN + Tor: Not Necessarily a Net Gain
  450. Cryptographic Right Answers — » Latacora
  451. EU-Richtlinie für "hochklassige Cybersicherheit" mit Nachschlüsseln - fm4.ORF.at - CryptoWars 2.0
  452. Signatures: The foundations of modern end-to-end encryption
  453. What is Lattice-Based Cryptography & Why You Should Care | by Wickr | Wickr Crypto + Privacy Blog | Medium
  454. Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2017/339 - ElsieFour: A Low-Tech Authenticated Encryption Algorithm For Human-to-Human Communication
  455. Beyond Eavesdropping: Adversarial Models for Secure Messaging (wickr.com)


  456. CipherClerk Introduction
  457. BletchleyPark - Station X
  458. Die Rotor-Chiffriermaschine Enigma
  459. Enigma-Bildergalerie
  460. Index of /software/enigma/simulators
  461. Enigma-E Bouwpakket
  462. Enigma-E DIY Building Kit
  463. Enigma Replica Home Page
  464. Mathe Prisma Enigma
  465. Enigma - ein JAVA Applet
  466. Kryptografie / Einleitung


  467. my LibreOffice links
  468. gofoss.net - Digital freedom for all - Adopt free and open source software, protect your privacy, own your data.
  469. Libre Projects - open source hosted web services
  470. Open Source Alternatives to Proprietary Software
  471. Die Opensource-DVD und Download von Opensource und LibreOffice
  472. List of free and open-source software packages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  473. Free Software Directory - Free Software Foundation
  474. PrivacyTests.org: open-source tests of web browser privacy


  475. The new, fast browser for Mac, PC and Linux | Firefox
  476. Überflüssige Funktionen in Firefox deaktivieren - Privacy-Handbuch
  477. LibreWolf - A fork of Firefox, focused on privacy, security and freedom.
  478. Firefox Profilemaker
  479. Thunderbird — Software made to make email easier. — Mozilla
  480. Thunderbird Mail DE - deutsche Hilfe
  481. Junk Mail Controls - MozillaZine Knowledge Base
  482. Multiple identities per e-mail account - MozillaZine Knowledge Base
  483. Getting started with IMAP for Gmail - Gmail Help
  484. Using OAuth2 with Thunderbird and Gmail - Super Tech Crew
  485. Turn Thunderbird into the Ultimate Gmail IMAP Client
  486. Search operators you can use with Gmail - Gmail Help
  487. mozilla.org
  488. Camp Firefox | Die Firefox-Community
  489. holgermetzger.de | Mozilla Tipps und Tricks (Firefox, Thunderbird, Seamonkey)
  490. Firefox is eating your SSD - here is how to fix it - how things were in 2016 with old bad SSD drives
  491. Firefox: Ein Browser für Datenschutzbewusste – Firefox-Kompendium ⋆ Kuketz IT-Security Blog
  492. Security/Fingerprinting - MozillaWiki - preference privacy.resistFingerprinting
  493. GitHub - mozilla/policy-templates: Policy Templates for Firefox
  494. Wiederherstellen wichtiger Daten aus einem alten Profil | Hilfe zu Firefox
  495. Firefox 98.0, See All New Features, Updates and Fixes - new download behaviour
    Firefox Extensions
  496. Keep your Firefox healthy with a quick checkup — Mozilla - Plugin Check
  497. Blocked Add-ons - software known to cause serious security, stability, or performance issues with Firefox
  498. Technical Details on the Recent Firefox Add-on Outage - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog - ArmagAddon
    Firefox 57+ Quantum Extensions
  499. Firefox Multi-Account Containers – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox - lets you keep parts of your online life separated into color-coded tabs that preserve your privacy
  500. Temporary Containers – Add-ons für Firefox - Open tabs, websites, and links in automatically managed disposable containers
  501. Consent-O-Matic – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox
  502. Cookie AutoDelete :: Add-ons for Firefox
  503. uMatrix :: Add-ons for Firefox - A point-and-click matrix-based firewall, with many privacy-enhancing tools; similar to NoScript but not quite; when using with uBlock Origin disable the same lists there
  504. Firefox: uMatrix – Firefox-Kompendium Teil9 ⋆ Kuketz IT-Security Blog
  505. uBlock Origin :: Add-ons for Firefox - Finally, an efficient blocker. Easy on CPU and memory.
  506. Firefox: uBlock Origin – Firefox-Kompendium Teil2 ⋆ Kuketz IT-Security Blog
  507. uBlock Origin: Schutz gegen Tracker und Werbung • Kuketz IT-Security Blog - gute weitere Häkchen zu setzen
  508. Firefox: Zugriff auf lokale Adressen für Dritte blockieren - Filterliste für uBlock Origin
  509. Neat URL – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox - Remove tracking garbage from URLs.
  510. Skip Redirect – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox - Some web pages use intermediary pages before redirecting to a final page. This add-on tries to extract the final url from the intermediary url and goes there straight away if successful.
  511. NoScript Security Suite :: Add-ons for Firefox
  512. Decentraleyes – Add-ons for Firefox
  513. CanvasBlocker – Add-ons for Firefox - Blocks the JS-API for modifying <canvas> to prevent Canvas-Fingerprinting.</canvas>
  514. Dict.cc Translation :: Add-ons for Firefox
  515. withExEditor – Add-ons for Firefox - invoke your editor with TextArea fields; needs a host component as well
  516. xBrowserSync – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox - Browser syncing as it should be: secure, anonymous and free! Sync bookmarks across your browsers and devices, no sign up required.
  517. GNOME Shell integration – Add-ons for Firefox - You MUST install native connector for this extension to work, see Projects/GnomeShellIntegrationForChrome/Installation - GNOME Wiki
  518. AdNauseam
  519. Older Recommendable Firefox (<57) Extensions
  520. RequestPolicy - Firefox addon for Privacy and Security - RequestPolicyContinued beta, best install first; not really needed with uMatrix
  521. Disconnect :: Add-ons for Firefox - install before other filtering add-ons
  522. HeadingsMap :: Add-ons for Firefox
  523. Video DownloadHelper :: Add-ons for Firefox - download and convert Web videos
  524. iSebaro ~ ViewTube - a JavaScript application that allows viewing videos from video sharing web sites without needing to install Adobe Flash Player
  525. Exif Viewer :: Firefox Add-ons - Displays the Exif and IPTC data in local and remote JPEG images
  526. RC4 in Firefox abschalten - so geht's | NSA entschlüsselt Webserver-Daten angebl... | heise security news-Foren
  527. Qualys SSL Labs - Projects / SSL/TLS Capabilities of Your Browser (Experimental)
  528. Privacy Settings – Add-ons for Firefox - Alter Firefox's built-in privacy settings easily with a toolbar panel.
  529. Bloody Vikings! – Add-ons for Firefox - Simplifies the use of temporary e-mail addresses in order to protect your real address from spam.
  530. Invidition – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox - Redirects YouTube and Twitter to their alternative ads-free, privacy-friendly, interfaces.
    Be sure to read compatibility with uMatrix
  531. SPDX License Diff – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox
  532. Firefox Addons :: Mozilla Add-ons :: Add Features to Mozilla Software
  533. The Complete Firefox Privacy and Security Guide - BestVPN.com
  534. Knowledge Base - MozillaZine Knowledge Base
  535. About:config entries - MozillaZine Knowledge Base
  536. Brian's Blog: Mailto URLs in Firefox using mutt (archive.org)
  537. NewsForge | Using Firefox's mozex extension to call an external mail program
  538. Thunderbird Addons :: Mozilla Add-ons :: Add Features to Mozilla Software
  539. The Extensions Mirror - "Completing your XPI'rience" - Firefox, Thunderbird

    Pale Moon

  540. The Pale Moon Project homepage - Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux

    Mail & News

  541. Gnus für Wintendos
  542. Mutt on Windows
  543. Mutt on Operating Systems
  544. OfflineIMAP - Overview - Software.Complete.Org
  545. Mailers - Mail User Agents (MUAs) HomePages (Sven Guckes)
  546. Newsreader - User Agents for NNTP aka Usenet (Sven Guckes)
  547. NewsReaders.com
  548. Web Browser and their HomePages - Quick Reference (Sven Guckes)
  549. browser.org
  550. WebAttack.com :: download freeware and shareware programs from the world's largest collection of Internet software.
  551. Miro HD Video Player | Free internet tv and video podcast player.
  552. Comparison of file synchronization software - Wikipedia


  553. GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program
  554. GIMPshop.com - A GIMP hack by Scott Moschella
  555. Inkscape. Draw Freely.
  556. Scribus :: Open Source Desktop Publishing for Linux, Mac OS® X and Windows®
  557. blender.org - Home
  558. Open Clip Art Library Drawing Together
  559. Ghostscript, Ghostview and GSview
  560. VideoLAN - Free and Open Source software and video streaming solutions for every OS!
  561. Nicu's How-to - Howtos, tutorials and tricks - GIMP, Inkscape, OpenOffice.org, Fedora and more.


  562. Free Software Directory
  563. FTP Mirror List - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
  564. Cygwin
  565. GnuWin32 - maintained, last checked 2006-12-10
  566. Native Win32 ports of some GNU utilities - outdated (2003)
  567. DJGPP
  568. /pub/DJGPP directory Germany, Koblenz
  569. /pc/dos/djgpp/current directory Vienna, Austria
  570. DJGPP and related Links page


  571. Freeware for Solaris

    WNT SysUtils

  572. Systems Internals - Winternal Software
  573. SystemTools.com - Windows NT/2000 System Management Tools and Utilities
  574. SomarSoft Utilities
  575. Ext2 IFS For Windows


  576. Oth Net Search Form (ftp)
  577. NAPALM FTP Indexer
  578. Free downloads encyclopedia - Softpedia
  579. heise online - Software-Verzeichnis
  580. Ultimate Boot CD
  581. FAQ - Text Based Programs - Current Versions (Sven Guckes)
  582. Converters and Filters - Convert Data from One Format to Another (Sven Guckes)
  583. The Readers - Free Software PDF readers.
  584. IrfanView - Freeware Graphic Viewer (Windows)
  585. Free graphic and photo viewer - XnView - GRAPHIC VIEWER
  586. Ralf Brown's Files
  587. PictView - a set of image viewers and converters (DOS)
  588. Pigdog Journal - DeCSS Distribution Center (it's not what you think it might be)
  589. Macecraft Software - Home of jv16 PowerTools and RegSupreme - formerly RegCleaner
  590. Freeware for Solaris
  591. OpenLDAP - community developed LDAP software
  592. Do It Yourself data recovery, file recovery, unformat, undelete, partition recovery and RAID 0 and RAID 5 recovery
  593. Life after Google III, Teil 3: Sehen, was Sinn macht - Netzwelt - SPIEGEL ONLINE
  594. CompletePlanet - discover and search 103,000 databases and specialty search engines
  595. gimmefonts.com - The largest free truetype font archive on the web
  596. Fonts.com - Download Mac and Windows Fonts
  597. Download Fonts - Jumbo.com
  598. Flash Kit: Fonts Home
  599. The UNTGZ homepage
  600. BpBatch homepage
  601. KL Codec Resource Site The K-Lite codec pack, quicktime alternative and real alternative.
  602. afreeCodec - Download Audio Codecs, Video Codecs, Software, Players, and Utilities for Free.
  603. .::Bsplay.com, bsplayer::. perfect player.
  604. VideoLAN - Free Software and Open Source video streaming solution for every OS!
  605. Streaming media recording: Wanna find easy to use yet powerful software to record streaming audio and video? Follow our guidelines to find the best freeware or shareware stream recorder.
  606. Tools - Video software and downloads - VideoHelp.com
  607. DriverHeaven.net
  608. Rage3D MOBILEMOD 4.0 | FINAL RELEASE CANDIDATE - Rage3D Discussion Area
  609. The R Project for Statistical Computing
  610. Computer Gripes
  611. spammimic - hide a message in spam
  612. ConflictSolver Resource Scheduler - Open Source Resource Scheduling Software for small companies and institutions. Written in Python, but unmaintained since 2003.
  613. Tablix - Free software for solving timetabling problems.
  614. FET - Free Evolutionary Timetabling software for automatically scheduling the timetable of a school, high-school or university
  615. Time Design - timetables for schools and training institutions.
  616. intime - This is a free, open source program for editing school time tables.
  617. OpenSTV | Software for Ranked-Choice Voting
  618. guillaumegildas/openSTV · GitHub - older fork as OpenSTV isn't free anymore
  619. Single Transferable Vote (archive.org) - sehr gute Erklärung der STV Wahlauszählung auf Deutsch
  620. STV - Single Transferable Vote (wahlrecht.de) - Übertragbare Einzelstimmgebung
  621. Condorcet Internet Voting Service - CIVS ranked-choice voting
  622. Civitas - Civitas is a new, secure voting system.
  623. GitHub - andrewcmyers/civs: Condorcet Internet Voting System
  624. PortableApps.com - Portable software for USB drives | Your Digital Life, Anywhereâ¢
  625. The Portable Freeware Collection
  626. winPenPack - The Portable Software Collection
  627. JonDonym - Sicher im Internet
  628. GitHub - RetroShare/RetroShare: RetroShare is a Free and Open Source cross-platform, Friend-2-Friend and secure decentralised communication platform.
  629. Flash Player Help
  630. AutoHotkey - Free Mouse and Keyboard Macro Program with Hotkeys and AutoText - for Windows
  631. Apache Agora (archive.org) - virtual community (mailing list) visualization tool
  632. Icinga » Monitor your entire Infrastructure with Icinga
  633. Sozi [Sozi] - a small program that can play animated presentations. SVG.
  634. Tryton - Modularity, scalability & security for your business
  635. ConfClerk - manage conference schedules from PentaBarf
  636. Alternative software and apps to your PC (Windows, Linux), Mac, iPhone, Android, Web/Online and other platforms. - AlternativeTo.net
  637. Slant - picking "the best" product
  638. Ninite - Install or Update Multiple Apps at Once - almost a package manager for Windows
  639. Etherpad
  640. Sites That Run Etherpad · ether/etherpad-lite Wiki · GitHub
  641. CryptPad.org - Collaboration and privacy
  642. CryptPad - Public instances
  643. Apache Wave - Welcome to Apache Wave (incubating)
  644. git-annex - allows managing files with git, without checking the file contents into git.
  645. Tarsnap - Online backups for the truly paranoid
  646. Cryptomator: Free Cloud Encryption for Dropbox & Others - Linux, Windows, Mac, iOS, Android
  647. Cryptomator: Endlich ist unsere Cloud Ende-zu-Ende-verschlüsselt - Golem.de
  648. GitHub - HACKERALERT/Picocrypt: A very small, very simple, yet very secure encryption tool.
  649. Cinderella : Cinderella - Interactive Geometry Software
  650. Wahay - audio conferences, Mumble over Tor Onion Services
  651. CoyIM | Safe and secure chat client - onion - Jabber/XMPP over Tor Onion Services
  652. A Beginner's Guide to Salt | Linode - A look into Salt's primary components, features, and configurations for the new SaltStack user

    Video Conferencing

  653. Results: Free Software voice & video testing - 2012
  654. Videokonferenzen müssen keine Datenschleudern sein | Digitalcourage - Jitsi, BigBlueButton, NextCloud Talk
  655. Hinweise für Berliner Verantwortliche zu Anbietern von Videokonferenzdiensten (PDF) - Berliner Beauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit, BlnBDI
  656. #videochat_deutsch:matrix.org - Matrix Gruppe, informiert über deutschsprachige Video-Chats, die frei zugänglich sind.
  657. Going Full Send on my WFH A/V setup – Jeremy Eder's Blog
  658. Jitsi.org - develop and deploy full-featured video conferencing - Open Source Video Calls and Chat
  659. Jitsi Meet - their main instance
  660. Community-run instances | Jitsi Meet
  661. Videokonferenzen müssen keine Datenschleudern sein | - und einige Jitsi Instanzempfehlungen
  662. Videochat Server (archive.org) - some public Jitsi servers, outdated, 2021-10
  663. random-redirect/jitsi_servers.lst at master · tosterkamp/random-redirect · GitHub
  664. 8x8 Video Meetings - commercial Jitsi instance, 8x8 employs most Jitsi developers
  665. Kurzanleitung: Jitsi Meet Videokonferenz per Browser oder App ⋆ Kuketz IT-Security Blog
  666. Jitsi Meet: Erste Hilfe bei Problemen ⋆ Kuketz IT-Security Blog
  667. Video-Konferenzen mit Jitsi Meet | Weitblick Blog
  668. GitHub - systemli/ansible-role-jitsi-meet: Ansible role to install & configure Jitsi Meet - rol(l|e) your own server
  669. Jitsi Best Practice und Skalierung | NETWAYS GmbH - eigener Jitsi Server
  670. Jitsi Meet is Free open source self-hosted videoconferencing that just works, no registration / account needed. Try it at https://meet.jit.si : selfhosted - Firefox causing problems in Jitsi (2019/2020)
  671. 100% support for Firefox (and other non-Chrome browsers) · Issue #4758 · jitsi/jitsi-meet · GitHub - Firefox causing problems in Jitsi (2020)
  672. Jitsi Hacks | Jitsi Hacks – Extending Jitsi Meet using injected scripts
  673. Calla - voice and video chat that simulates natural conversation; using Jitsi Meet adding audio spatialization, to be able to create virtual meeting rooms.
  674. JitsiCloud - Giebel.IT - DSGVO-konforme Videokonferenz- und Speicherlösung; für Schulen, Gemeinden, Vereine, Unternehmen und Organisationen
  675. BigBluebutton - BigBlueButton enables universities and colleges to deliver a high-quality learning experience to remote students.
  676. Video conferencing with BigBlueButton [LWN.net]
  677. GitHub - bigbluebutton/bbb-install: BASH script to install BigBlueButton in 30 minutes.
  678. File Exfiltration via Libreoffice in BigBlueButton and JODConverter - Hanno's blog
  679. BigBlueButton - Tutorials zur Videokonferenzsoftware
  680. BigBlueButton | Ferdinand Soethe - BigBlueButton-Praxishandbuch
  681. Moodle - Open-source learning platform | Moodle.org
  682. Lernerfolg mit Moodle
  683. Demo-Moodle Lehrerfortbildung-BW
  684. Moodle, virtuelles Arbeiten und eLearning - Kursvorlagen
  685. ilias.de - Open-Source Learning Management System
  686. Aktuelles [cyber4EDU] - BigBlueButton, Moodle und Matrix für Schulen
  687. Netzwerk Freie Schulsoftware | Digitalcourage
  688. Das Digitalcourage-Bildungspaket | Digitalcourage
  689. LEOPARD – LEOPARD-Lernorte - Element, Discourse, Peertube, Nextcloud, Moodle
  690. schul-frei - Hub ("Knotenpunkt") für freie Software in der Bildung: Hier engagieren sich mehrere Organisationen und Einzelpersonen.
  691. Medien in die Schule - Werkzeugkasten Freie Software
  692. MintApps – Simulationen, Animationen und Tools - Eine bunte Sammlung an Simulationen, Animationen und Tools zu naturwissenschaftlichen Fächern.
  693. Lerntools - Sammlung datensparsamer Tools für den interaktiven digitalen Unterricht
  694. Serlo – Die freie Lernplattform - Mathe, Sprache, Nachhaltigkeit, Biologie
  695. Physik Lernen mit Physikon - lexikon homepage studium schule hausaufgabe buch referat facharbeit formelsammlung hausaufgaben
  696. Wir lernen online - Fachportale, freie Bildungsmaterialien
  697. OpenTalk - State-of-the-art secure video conferencing | OpenTalk
  698. OpenTalk Videokonferenzen - adminForge
  699. About our OpenTalk instance : tchncs.de
  700. eduMEET
  701. eduMEET – web-based videoconferencing platform
    Zoom (do not use)
  702. Zoom privacy: Your video conferences aren’t as private as you think
  703. Zoom Meetings Do Not Support End-to-End Encryption
  704. Videokonferenz-Software: Ist Zoom ein Sicherheitsalptraum? | heise online
  705. Not Using Zoom — Webmink In Draft
    Skype (do not use)
  706. Brave New Skyping World Revisited | Torsten's Thoughtcrimes
  707. Ten Reasons Why You Should Boycott Skype | Torsten's Thoughtcrimes
  708. Microsoft seeks patent for spy tech for Skype - Computerworld

    More Misc

  709. palava.tv - palava is a WebRTC based communication platform.
  710. SparkleShare - Self hosted, instant, secure file sync
  711. Cloud Hosting - Bitnami - deploy apps with native installers, as virtual machines, or in the cloud
  712. Docear - Docear is a unique solution to academic literature management, i.e. it helps you organizing, creating, and discovering academic literature.
  713. Zamzar - video converter, audio converter, image converter, eBook converter - online converter of 1000 file formats
  714. F*EX - File EXchange - Frams' Fast File EXchange
  715. F*EX - File EXchange CLI client - perl fex.pl installer
  716. Syncthing - Syncthing replaces proprietary sync and cloud services with something open, trustworthy and decentralized.
  717. Dateisynchronisation mit Syncthing
  718. Syncthing: KeePass-Datenbank zwischen PC und Android synchronisieren – Passwörter Teil3 ⋆ Kuketz IT-Security Blog
  719. OnionShare - an open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously share a file of any size
  720. GitHub - RobinLinus/snapdrop: A Progressive Web App for local file sharing
  721. Kodi | Open Source Home Theatre Software
  722. Play with Docker Classroom
  723. Docker Playground
  724. LinuxServer - community Docker images
  725. jrnl- The Command Line Journal - Collect your thoughts and notes without leaving the command line
  726. Rosetta Stone for Unix - What do they call that (command) in this world?
  727. Awesome Self Hosted - A directory of free software solutions and web applications which can be hosted locally
  728. ExifTool by Phil Harvey
  729. Pandoc - a universal document converter, from markdown dialects to various text, word processors and layout formats
  730. Modular online encoding, encryption and conversion tool — Cryptii
  731. contained.af - Know your surroundings... The hottest, nerdiest new game in town. A stupid game for learning about containers, capabilities, and syscalls.
  732. MRTG - Tobi Oetiker's MRTG - The Multi Router Traffic Grapher
  733. RRDtool - About RRDtool
  734. Cacti® - The Complete RRDTool-based Graphing Solution
  735. HackMD - Collaborative markdown notes
  736. GitHub - hackmdio/codimd: CodiMD - Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.
  737. Aggie.io - A collaborative painting application
  738. pdfpc - PDF Presenter Console - A presenter console with multi-monitor support for PDF files.
  739. Paint - if you're missing original ugly MS-Windows UI look and feel aesthetics ... all Web Components in browser
  740. JS Paint - and something similar but more complete
  741. edit.photo • The free online Photo Editor in your Browser
  742. Franz – a free messaging app for Slack, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram and more
  743. Software für technische Dokumentation: The Ultimate Expert Choice
  744. GitHub - aviaryan/awesome-no-login-web-apps: :star2: Awesome (free) web apps that work without login
  745. Rapla - Rapla is a flexible multi-user resource and event planing system.
  746. Taskwarrior - What's next? - manages your TODO list from the command line
  747. Timewarrior - Done yet? - tracks time from the command line; also interfaces with Taskwarrior
  748. GitHub - vit-project/vit: VIT is a lightweight, fast, curses-based front end to Taskwarrior
  749. Recurring tasks with taskwarrior
  750. GitHub - ralphbean/bugwarrior: Pull github, bitbucket, and trac issues into taskwarrior
  751. :: holidata.net :: - international holiday data Taskwarrior and Timewarrior use
  752. gtimelog - A time tracking app with GUI
  753. GitHub - pimutils/khal: CLI calendar application
  754. Planner | Task manager with Todoist support designed for GNU/Linux 🚀.
  755. GitHub - almarklein/timetagger: Tag your time, get the insight
  756. Zim - a desktop wiki
  757. Standard Notes | A Simple And Private Notes App
  758. grouprise - eine Internet-Plattform für eure Stadt oder Region
  759. Open Source Game Clones
  760. GitHub - warner/magic-wormhole: get things from one computer to another, safely
  761. GitHub - saljam/webwormhole: Password authenticated WebRTC.
  762. Graphmasters - NUNAV - No more traffic jams!
  763. FreeCAD: Your own 3D parametric modeler
  764. GitHub - yrutschle/sslh: Applicative Protocol Multiplexer (e.g. share SSH and HTTPS on the same port)
  765. GitHub - HouzuoGuo/laitos: Top geek's survival kit - personal assistant over satellite/telephone/SMS/chatbot, plus web infrastructure servers (DNS, HTTP, SMTP, SNMP)
  766. Empfehlungsecke ⋆ Kuketz IT-Security Blog - Messenger, Browser-Add-ons, Suchmaschinen, ...
  767. [Mer]Curius | Datenschutz im digitale Alltag
  768. PrivacyTools - Encryption Against Global Mass Surveillance
  769. SQuirreL SQL Client Home Page
  770. GitHub - sshuttle/sshuttle: Transparent proxy server that works as a poor man's VPN. Forwards over ssh. Doesn't require admin. Works with Linux and MacOS. Supports DNS tunneling.
  771. ASCII Art Generator - Online "HD" Color Image to Text Converter
  772. SysEleven Shared Secrets
  773. GitHub - acnagy/chaos-scheduler: ☀🌧⚡⛅ vs. 💻✨
  774. Big Pile of Vim-like
  775. Opencast Video Solution | The free and open source solution for automated video capture, management, and distribution at scale.
  776. Elvish Shell
  777. f.lux: software to make your life better - makes the color of your computer's display adapt to the time of day; AKA Night Light in GNOME or RedShift
  778. FutureTrust Signing & Sealing Service (SigS) - needs eID-Client
  779. Wacom drawing tablets track the name of every application that you open | Robert Heaton - with snooping the snoopers
  780. Data Removal: Darik's Boot and Nuke - DBAN - for all those USB sticks you find on the ground or plugged into a wall.. also from heise Download
  781. Top 10 open source tools for working from home | Opensource.com
  782. Corona: Technik-Tipps fürs Homeoffice | Digitalcourage
  783. Activities/FreeSoftware4RemoteWorking - FSFE Wiki
  784. Remote Communication - LibrePlanet
  785. Digitale Konferenzen — #gnuHU
  786. Übersicht Online-Konferenz-Tools - Support - Confluence Netzbegruenung
  787. Remote presence tools for social distancing - anarcat
  788. Open Broadcaster Software | OBS - broadcast multiple video sources
  789. Take Remote Worker/Educator webcam video calls to the next level with OBS, NDI Tools, and Elgato Stream Deck - Scott Hanselman
  790. Enabling Video Streaming for Remote Learning with NGINX and NGINX Plus - NGINX - using OBS
  791. Desktop and media video streaming server with OBS, nginx, RTMP, HLS and DASH – bitkeks.eu
  792. Live Streaming Equipment: Studio Setup Guide on the Cheap | Wowza
  793. Low-Latency HLS vs. WebRTC: What to Know Before Choosing a Protocol
  794. Icecast - free server software for streaming multimedia; stream your OBS
  795. Owncast - a self-hosted live video and web chat server for use with existing popular broadcasting software
  796. Building a live video streaming website - Part 1 - Start Streaming!
  797. GitHub - benwilber/boltstream: Boltstream Live Video Streaming Website + Backend
  798. How to thrive working from home
  799. Dangerzone - Take potentially dangerous PDFs, office documents, or images and convert them to a safe PDF.
  800. LiteCLI - A command line interface for SQLite with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
  801. DB Browser for SQLite
  802. Image metadata viewer
  803. Identity, email and document verification made easy with Vereign | Vereign
  804. Joplin - an open source note taking and to-do application with synchronisation capabilities
  805. GitHub - BurntSushi/ripgrep: ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern
  806. Share and accept documents securely - SecureDrop
  807. WebTorrent - Streaming browser torrent client
  808. lichess.org • Free Online Chess
  809. No More Medium. Build Your Own Site, Please.
  810. Scribe - An alternative frontend to Medium - replace medium.com by scribe.rip
  811. GitHub - nebula-chat/chatengine: Open source mtproto server written in golang with compatible telegram client
  812. App | E-Rezept
  813. GitHub - gematik/E-Rezept-App-Android
  814. GitHub - gematik/E-Rezept-App-iOS: https://gematik.github.io/E-Rezept-App-iOS/
  815. Potato Presenter - Easily create great presentations
  816. Mehr Datenschutz für alle mit dem TinyCheck-Tool von Kaspersky | Kaspersky
  817. GitHub - KasperskyLab/TinyCheck: TinyCheck allows you to easily capture network communications from a smartphone or any device which can be associated to a Wi-Fi access point in order to quickly analyze them. This can be used to check if any suspect or malicious communication is outgoing from a smartphone, by using heuristics or specific Indicators of Compromise (IoCs). In order to make it working, you need a computer with a Debian-like operating system and two Wi-Fi interfaces. The best choice is to use a Raspberry Pi (2+) a Wi-Fi dongle and a small touch screen. This tiny configuration (for less than $50) allows you to tap any Wi-Fi device, anywhere.
  818. Intigriti - Bug Bounty & Agile Pentesting Platform
  819. Non-Profit Computer Security Consultancy - Radically Open Security
  820. Engelsystem - Online-Tool für Helfer- und Schichtplanung auf großen Events
  821. GitHub - vaguileradiaz/tinfoleak: The most complete open-source tool for Twitter intelligence analysis
  822. nymea - The Open IoT Stack
  823. Smart gardening without coding - all free and open source - Hackster.io
  824. GitHub - bcpierce00/unison: Unison file synchronizer - Unison is a file-synchronization tool for POSIX-compliant systems (e.g. *BSD and GNU/Linux), macOS and Windows
  825. Earthstar - Sync stuff you care about with people you know. Earthstar is a specification and Javascript library for building online tools you can truly call your own.
  826. GLPI Project - open source service management software to manage Helpdesk and IT assets
  827. The Lino framework — Lino - linked objects database schema
  828. Fix problems that block programs from being installed or removed - Microsoft Support - a troubleshooter from MS that is supposed to help you shoot the trouble MS brought to you
  829. dupeGuru | finds duplicate files
  830. FreeTube - The Private YouTube Client
  831. EteSync - Secure Data Sync - Secure, end-to-end encrypted, and privacy respecting sync for your contacts, calendars, tasks and notes.
  832. Dante configuration -- Minimal client configuration - using socksify
  833. Home Assistant - Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first
  834. Paperless-ngx - open-source document management system that transforms your physical documents into a searchable online archive
  835. Paperwork - Personal document management made fast and easy - OpenPaperwork
  836. GitHub - ente-io/ente: Fully open source, End to End Encrypted alternative to Google Photos and Apple Photos
  837. OctoPrint.org - The snappy web interface for your 3D printer.
  838. Everything Is Broken - The Message - Medium

    Password Generators

  839. The Problem with Passwords
  840. MD5 File - HTML5 File Hash Online Calculator - MD5, SHA1, SHA2 (SHA-256), SHA-384, SHA-512 - local in the browser
  841. Bcrypt Hash Generator & Verifier
  842. KeePassXC Password Manager - KeePassXC is a community fork of KeePassX, the cross-platform port of KeePass for Windows.
  843. KeePassDX - for Android; secure and open source password manager compatible with KeePass files (version 1 to 4)
  844. KeePassDX | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository
  845. Passwort-Manager KeePassXC (Linux) und KeePassDX (Android) mit YubiKey verwenden - coding.blatt
  846. KeePass Password Safe - KeePass is a free open source password manager, which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. The original only for Windows.
  847. KeePassX - outdated last release Oct-2016
  848. AuthPass - Password Manager | AuthPass.app Password Manager - works with KeePass kdbx 3 database files
  849. GitHub - dani-garcia/vaultwarden: Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust, formerly known as bitwarden_rs
  850. Open Source Password Management Solutions | Bitwarden
  851. Password Safe - Password Safe allows you to safely and easily create a secured and encrypted user name/password list.
  852. Pass: The Standard Unix Password Manager - gpg based
  853. gopass - the team password manager - gpg based, rewrite of Pass in Go
  854. GitHub - micahflee/passphraseme: A quick and simple cryptographically secure script to generate high entropy passphrases using EFF's wordlists
  855. xkcd: Password Strength - why Tr0ub4dor&3 is a bad password choice
  856. Agile Blog | Toward Better Master Passwords
  857. Myths about /dev/urandom [2uo]
  858. CryptNET: Passgen - uses /dev/random (or /dev/urandom on demand), source code, also GitHub - vab/passgen: password candidate generator
  859. Secure Windows & Linux Password Generator - Defuse Security - uses /dev/(u)random on Linux and CryptGenRandom() on Windows, with source code on GitHub for Linux and Windows
  860. YubiKey: TOTP-Schlüssel für 2FA sicher speichern - coding.blatt
  861. Diceware Passphrase Home (or diceware.com)
  862. RANDOM.ORG - Password Generator - true random passwords generated on each page view and transfered using SSL; but still.. it's someone else's site ;-)
  863. GRC | Ultra High Security Password Generator - generated on each page view and transfered using SSL, strong "Rijndael (AES) block encryption of never-repeating counter values in CBC mode"; but still.. it's someone else's site ;-)
  864. XKCD password - generator (xkcdpassword.com) - like most other online generators uses only JavaScript Math.random()
  865. Strong Password Generator (strongpasswordgenerator.com) - like most other online generators uses only JavaScript Math.random()
  866. Strong Random Password Generator (passwordsgenerator.net) - like most other online generators uses only JavaScript Math.random()
  867. Master Password (masterpassword.app) - JavaScript and App for different devices, name/masterpassword derived site passwords
  868. Random Key Generator (randomkeygen.com) - this one generates presets on each page view
  869. GRC's | Password Haystacks: How Well Hidden is Your Needle?
  870. How Secure Is My Password?
  871. How Long To Crack A Password Spreadsheet | SANS Institute - as of 2009
  872. Password Strength Meter
  873. The passphrase FAQ (in Security @ iusmentis.com)
  874. GRC | Flexible One-Time Password MetaSystem
  875. Lifetimes of cryptographic hash functions
  876. Aegis Authenticator - Secure 2FA app for Android
  877. World / Authenticator · GitLab (Gnome) - Backup/Restore from/into known applications like FreeOTP+, Aegis (encrypted / plain-text), andOTP, Google Authenticator
  878. QR-Codes für TOTP-Secrets erstellen - credativ®
  879. 2FA QR Code Generator - (for those who can't run qrencode from command line..) with source code and offline installable service worker
  880. Why you shouldn’t scan two-factor authentication QR codes! | by Sam Aiken | Crypto Punks | Medium
  881. GitHub - 2factorauth/twofactorauth: List of sites with two factor auth support which includes SMS, email, phone calls, hardware, and software.
  882. Key Uri Format · google/google-authenticator Wiki · GitHub
  883. Authentication Test - This site contains some examples of the ways web applications accept authentication. You can use these to test your scripts ability to authentication to them.
  884. ZITADEL • The best of Auth0 and Keycloak combined. Built for the serverless era
  885. endoflife.date - know your software's end-of-life date
  886. Shell End

  887. Bourne shell idioms
  888. BashFAQ - Greg's Wiki
  889. ZSH - THE Z SHELL
  890. start [ZshWiki]
  891. ZSH-LOVERS(1)
  892. [ Zsh ] (strcat.de)
  893. Zsh Tips, Tricks and Examples by zzapper
  894. robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh · GitHub