"The Internet, where the men are 12, the women are men, and the children are the FBI." —Anonymous

DNS Server - ohne geht nichts ...
in any case there's fallback to Cloudflare, or for Google, but you don't want those.. maybe Quad9

  1. Free and Public DNS Server List - free as in beer
  2. OpenNIC Public Servers
  3. Zensurfreier DNS-Server | Digitalcourage - (DNS-over-TLS (DoT))
  4. Fast, free and uncensored. DNS.WATCH. - DNS.WATCH - 2001:1608:10:25::1c04:b12f , 2001:1608:10:25::9249:d69b
  5. Service Info | dismail.de - DNS Resolver mit Werbe- und Trackerfilter, 2a01:4f8:1c1b:44aa::1 (DoT), 2a01:4f8:c17:739a::2 (DoT)
  6. dnsforge.de DNS Resolver - zensurfreier, sicherer und redundanter DNS Resolver ohne Logging, dafür mit Werbeblocker, 2a01:4f8:151:34aa::198 2a01:4f8:141:316d::117 , DoH: https://dnsforge.de/dns-query
  7. DNS Servers - uncensoreddns blog - DoH: https://anycast.uncensoreddns.org/dns-query , also on other domains
  8. DNS-over-HTTPS- und DNS-over-TLS-Unterstützung [ffmuc.net/wiki/] DoH: https://doh.ffmuc.net/dns-query
  9. Blahdns -- a hobby adblock DNS resolver support HTTP/3, DoH, DoT, DoQ, DNSCryptv2 - 2a01:4f8:c17:ec67::1 https://doh-de.blahdns.com/dns-query , 2a0e:dc0:6:23::2 https://doh-ch.blahdns.com/dns-query
  10. DNS Privacy Services | Foundation for Applied Privacy - 2a02:1b8:10:234::2 (DoT), https://doh.applied-privacy.net/query (DoH)
  11. DNS over HTTPS · curl/curl Wiki · GitHub - list of publicly available DoH servers
  12. DNS-Server aus Deutschland
  13. Empfehlungsecke ⋆ Kuketz IT-Security Blog - DNS, unzensiert, frei & keine Protokollierung
  14. Vertrauenswrdige DNS-Server - Privacy-Handbuch
  15. DNS Privacy Project :: dnsprivacy.org
  16. DNS Privacy Daemon - Stubby :: dnsprivacy.org
  17. DNSCrypt version 2 - Official Project Home Page
  18. Configure DNS over HTTPS protection levels in Firefox | Firefox Help
  19. On quad9?
  20. DNS leak test
  21. DNS Leak Test - bash.ws
  22. My IP Address - BrowserLeaks.com - including DNS servers
  23. DNSSEC Resolver Test
  24. Down For Everyone Or Just Me -> Check if your website is down or up?
  25. Check server: Check host - online website monitoring
  26. iMonitor – Internet-Störungen | heise Netze - Vorwahl 040
  27. Allestörungen (downdetector.de)
  28. Downdetector.dk
  29. Downdetector.com
  30. Internet Weather Map :: Latency Map
  31. Breitband-Monitor der Bundesnetzagentur


  32. A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace | Electronic Frontier Foundation by John Perry Barlow; Davos, Switzerland; February 8, 1996
  33. Declaration of Digital Autonomy
  34. Build, Promote, and Defend the Internet - Internet Society
  35. Public Suffix List - A "public suffix" is one under which Internet users can (or historically could) directly register names. Some examples of public suffixes are .com, .co.uk and pvt.k12.ma.us. The Public Suffix List is a list of all known public suffixes.
  36. Digitale Mündigkeit | Leena Simon
  37. How to give advice on the internet without being an utter menace – Another angry woman
  38. switching.software – Ethical alternatives to popular sites and apps
  39. SwitchingSocial | SwitchingSocial.de - Ethische, unkomplizierte und datenschutz-freundliche Alternativen zu bekannter Software
  40. switching.social – Ethical alternatives to popular sites and apps (archive.org)
  41. De-google-ify Internet
  42. Kommunikationsmanagement: Kommunikation im Internet - (pi)
  43. bjellis Netzwelt - Einstieg ins Internet (archive.org) - wie einfach zur Jahrtausendwende doch alles war..
  44. Internet FAQ Consortium
  45. Internet FAQ Archives
  46. /pub/faqs directory
  47. Ein kleines! Lexikon des Internet
  48. Die Sendung mit der Maus, Sachgeschichte vom Internet
  49. INTERNET - Möglichkeiten und Dienste
  50. A TCP/IP Resources List (archive.org) - FAQs, tutorials, guides, web pages & sites, and books about TCP/IP
  51. Grundlagen Computernetze: TCP/IP - Prof. Jürgen Plate
  52. Network Calculators (IP/netmask)
  53. Major IP Addresses Blocks By Country
  54. IBM Redbooks | TCP/IP Tutorial and Technical Overview (JavaScript'ed HTML, PDF, CD)
  55. RFC 793 (rfc793) - Transmission Control Protocol
  56. The TIME_WAIT state in TCP and Its Effect on Busy Servers
  57. Peer FAQ
  58. ViewDNS.info - Your one source for DNS related tools!
  59. ORSN - European Open Root Server Network - DNS - Europe
  60. DNSSEC Analyzer
  61. DNSViz | A DNS visualization tool
  62. DNS tcpdump by example
  63. ntp.org: Home of the Network Time Protocol
  64. pool.ntp.org: the internet cluster of ntp servers
  65. Zero Configuration Networking (Zeroconf)
  66. TU Berlin * Hoax-Info Service - Index
  67. WTC: Kettenlügen in Kettenmails
  68. trojaner-info ! - Viren, Trojaner, Trojanische Pferde, Trojanerhilfe und andere Infos
  69. Start: computerbetrug.de und dialerschutz.de
  70. Infinite Ink's Internet in a Nutshell
  71. IT and communication - Yucca's free information site
  72. A commentary of Wiio's laws - How all human communication fails, except by accident; Jukka “Yucca” Korpela
  73. How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
  74. mikeash.com: Getting Answers
  75. Visualizing Global Web Performance with Akamai
  76. Documentation of Internet Filtering Worldwide
  77. OpenNet Initiative :: Documenting Internet Content Filtering Worldwide
  78. the cluetrain manifesto
  79. Internet Census 2012
  80. There Are No Girls on the Internet - TV Tropes


  81. IANA Home Page
  82. IANA | Protocol/Number Assignments Directory
  83. IANA | Country-Code Top-Level Domains
  84. IETF Home Page
  85. W3C - The World Wide Web Consortium
  86. IETF RFC Page
  87. News & Mail related RFCs and Drafts
  88. IETF Datatracker
  89. Internet RFC/FYI/STD/BCP Archives
  90. Indexed Repository of RFC Documents [RFC-Ref]
  91. RFC-ARCHIVE.org -- The Hyperlinked RFC Archive
  92. April Fools' Day Request for Comments - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  93. RFC 1925 - The Twelve Networking Truths
  94. Internet-Drafts (IETF)
  95. The Simpleweb - Internet Drafts grouped by topics, otherwise mirrored from IETF
  96. RFC Sourcebook - a comprehensive guide to the Request for Comments (RFCs) series of Internet standards and Internet protocols.
  97. Message Headers (iana.org)


  98. FAQ der Newsgroup de.comm.technik.dsl
  99. MTU-Mini-FAQ (für xDSL-Zugänge über PPPoE)
  100. Path MTU Discovery and Filtering ICMP
  101. ADSL Support


  102. Characters in the local part of an email address | Jochen Topf
  103. E-mail providers - which one to choose?
  104. 8 Gmail alternatives that care about your privacy | NordVPN
  105. Sichere E-Mails: Tutanota macht E-Mail-Verschlüsselung einfach. #FOSS
  106. Telios: Decentralized and Secure Email Communication Service
  107. CTemplar - Most Secure Anonymous Encrypted Email - shutting down on 2022-05-26
  108. E-Mail grün, sicher, einfach und werbefrei - posteo.de -
  109. mailbox.org | mailbox.org
  110. Goldene Regeln für schlechte E-Mails
  111. Email Attachments (archive.org)
  112. Avoid E-Mail Attachments, Especially Microsoft Word
  113. MS-Word is {Not} a document exchange format
  114. We Can Put an End to Word Attachments
  115. Warum ist Word-DOC kein Austauschformat?
  116. FAQs: E-Mail-Header lesen und verstehen
  117. Fehlgeleitete E-Mail und Geheimhaltung | c't Magazin
  118. The Mail Archive turns your mailing list into a searchable archive
  119. Nabble - Free Forum Hosting and mailing list archive
  120. Privacy-Conscious Email Services - maybe trustworthy ...
  121. Serverlist with security ranking of eMail service providers
  122. E-Mail - sicher, werbefrei, verschlüsselt - JPBerlin - Politischer Provider | JPBerlin – Politischer Provider
  123. Secure email: ProtonMail is free encrypted email. - also as https://protonmailrmez3lotccipshtkleegetolb73fuirgj7r4o4vfu7ozyd.onion/, see ProtonMail - Tor Encrypted Email
  124. ..:: Lavabit Reloaded ::..
  125. systemli.org - Your friendly tech collective - Non-commercial provider of privacy friendly communication. Without surveilliance.
  126. OnionShare - an open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously share a file of any size
  127. Have I been pwned? Check if your email has been compromised in a data breach
  128. "Reply-To" Munging Considered Harmful on mailing lists
  129. MetaSystema.Net: Reply-To Munging Considered Useful on mailing lists
  130. GitHub - c3d/unsubsquirrel: An absolute necessity for the sophisticated mailing list user
  131. Unsubsquirrel on Scratch - the video game
  132. Unsubsquirrel remix re-remix re-re-remix
  133. GitHub - joellord/subsquirrel
  134. Webopedia: The History of the @ Sign
  135. Woher kommt der Klammeraffe? :: typeFORUM :: Portal zum Thema Schrift
  136. id-or-mail.pl
  137. Pigeonhole/Sieve - Dovecot Wiki
  138. Dovecot: Pigeonhole sieve-filter refilter delivered email (archive.org)
  139. GitHub - philpennock/sieve-connect: A client for the MANAGESIEVE Protocol
  140. IMAP 101: Manual IMAP Sessions - IMAP commands - atmail email
  141. GitHub - imapsync/imapsync: Imapsync is an IMAP transfers tool. The purpose of imapsync is to migrate IMAP accounts or to backup IMAP accounts. IMAP is one of the three current standard protocols to access mailboxes, the two others are POP3 and HTTP with webmails, webmails are often tied to an IMAP server. Upstream website is
  142. Your E-Mail Validation Logic is Wrong
  143. Mail::RFC822::Address - regexp-based address validation; the Internet is a sick place.

    Usenet, Newsgroups

  144. Andreas M. Kirchwitz [de.newusers.infos]
  145. pi's Einführung in Network News (Usenet)
  146. Volkers Usenet-Seiten
  147. Das ABC zum Thema Usenet und Email
  148. dana.de - Der Server für das deutschsprachige USENET
  149. Die Usenet-Laws
  150. Internet rules and laws: the top 10, from Godwin to Poe
  151. Usenetlinks von Lutz Donnerhacke
  152. fqdn.th-h.de: Message-IDs im Usenet
  153. fup2-faq, fup2, fup-faq, followup... was ist das?
  154. TP: Die Ignoranz im Usenet wurde in eine behördliche Formel gefasst - Merkbefreiung
  155. Usenet Archiv de.* Suche - auch Einzelposting per Message-ID mit http://reusenet.froehlich.priv.at/posting.php?msgid=<...>
  156. Usenet Article Lookup - per Message-Id, http://al.howardknight.net/?STYPE=msgid&MSGI=%3C...%3E
  157. narkive - Usenet-Archiv deutscher Gruppen
  158. de.* zum gucken - in Graphen
  159. Der Usenet Guide, die besten Usenet Provider, Usenet Provider-Vergleich, Newsreader, Usenet Software mit Anleitungen, Tipps rund ums`s Usenet
  160. Informationen über das UseNet
  161. Realnamekonflikt im Usenet
  162. Liste von Usenet-Servern im deutschsprachigen Raum
  163. Liste der UUCP-Anbieter im deutschsprachigen Raum
  164. Listen der Public Newsserver (NNTP-Server)
  165. www.eternal-september.org - news.eternal-september.org is a private project providing free access to text-only Usenet News.
  166. Willkommen beim Open-News-Network! | open news network
  167. Newsserver Infopage for news.nntp4.net
  168. hanau.net - fetch article via message-id
  169. Usenet-News - No nonsense, just Quality Usenet - full Usenet including binaries with non-expiring block download accounts, accepts PayPal
  170. Newsoffice.de - webbasiert in Newsgruppen lesen und schreiben
  171. Gnus für Wintendos
  172. news://news.gmane.io - Mail To News And Back Again
  173. Notes On News
  174. Don't Write a Newsreader.
  175. WorldWideWait.com - The Newsgroup Information Site
  176. Online X-Face Converter
  177. X-Face - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  178. ROT 13
  179. rot8000.com
  180. Die Bielefeld-Verschwoerung


  181. Getting help on IRC | workaround.org
  182. www.iki.fi/sol - Stuff - Don't ask to ask, just ask
  183. Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Help
  184. Internet Relay Chat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  185. List of Internet Relay Chat commands - Wikipedia
  186. Ban Guide (dal.net) - IRC /ban
  187. YAIP Yet Another IRC Page, Germany
  188. Internet Relay Chat - German Web Pages
  189. IRC-Fibel
  190. IRC technology news from the second half of 2021 | Ilmari Lauhakangas
  191. IRC Netiquette & HOWTO (#debian.de)
  192. No naked pings - Fedora Project Wiki
  193. Nobody Likes Naked Pings - Kristian Glass - Do I Smell Burning?
  194. 1,007 IRC Chat Emoticons & Smilies
  195. IRC for the 21st Century: Introducing Riot | Opensource.com - a Matrix client
  196. QDB: Quote #244321 - passwords are just ******* on IRC
  197. WeeChat, the extensible chat client
  198. WeeChat user’s guide
  199. Home · weechat/weechat Wiki · GitHub
  200. weechat – Rule of Tech
  201. Linux Users Group of Oregon State University - Advanced Weechat
  202. A Simple, Solarized, Weechat Setup – Ben Oliver
  203. GitHub - torhve/weechat-matrix-protocol-script: A WeeChat script in Lua that implements the matrix.org chat protocol
  204. GitHub - poljar/weechat-matrix-rs: Rust rewrite of the python weechat-matrix script.
  205. How to Install and Use Irssi and WeeChat
  206. WeeChat: easy instructions for using SASL ~~ Mikaela
  207. Smart IRC join/part/quit message filter - WeeChat dev news
  208. Irssi - The client of the future
  209. Irssi quickstart guide (Linux Reviews)
  210. Irssi settings guide
  211. cool features of irssi
  212. irssi cheat sheet
  213. Irssi - Juerd's site - scripting and stuff
  214. Irssi productivity hacks with chanact (madduck.net)
  215. Aaron Toponce : Irssi Proxy
  216. Irssi - Wikibooks in Deutsch
  217. Twirssi: a twitter script for irssi, also does identi.ca
  218. Internet Relay Chat (IRC) (netsplit.de) - networks, channels, servers, statistics
  219. Search IRC, the most advanced IRC search engine.
  220. irc2go - Chat Search - irc2go.com
  221. Internet Slang
  222. DrgnSlyr's IRC Chat Slang Page
  223. Libera Chat | A next-generation IRC network for FOSS projects collaboration!
  224. Libera Chat - web chat Kiwi IRC
  225. freenode (formerly known as Open Projects Net) - dead legacy leenode
  226. freenode Web IRC (qwebirc)
  227. Wikipedia:IRC/Channel access and configuration guide - Wikipedia
  228. SIWI » Getting Started with Freenode IRC
  229. freenode-faq.md · GitHub - The Freenode resignation FAQ, or: "what the fuck is going on?"
  230. My resignation from freenode · GitHub
  231. freenode now belongs to Andrew Lee, and I'm leaving for a new network.
  232. IRC/Migrating to Libera Chat - Meta (wikimedia.org)
  233. Freenode commits suicide, is no longer a serious IRC network
  234. isfreenodedeadyet
  235. paste.lisp.org pastebin for Freenode channels
  236. IRCnet Home Page at ircnet.org
  237. EFnet - The Original IRC Network
  238. The DALnet IRC Network
  239. :: www.undernet.org - welcome to the undernet IRC network
  240. euIRC - The Next Generation IRC Network
  241. SILC Secure Internet Live Conferencing
  242. QDB: Quote Database Home (bash.org)
  243. Eggheads.org - Main Index
  244. egghelp.org
  245. pisg - Perl IRC Statistics Generator
  246. PieSpy - Inferring and Visualizing Social Network on IRC
  247. mchelen/piespy · GitHub
  248. KiwiIRC - The webIRC client
  249. The Lounge - The self-hosted web IRC client
  250. Mibbit.com - Webchat, IRC in browser
  251. BitlBee - BitlBee brings IM (instant messaging) to IRC clients.
  252. Slirc: IRC interface to Slack


  253. JoinJabber
  254. XMPP Standards Foundation
  255. XMPP | Specifications - make sure your servers and clients support the necessary XMPP extension protocols (XEPs), i.e. at least OMEMO (XEP-0384), preferably MAM (XEP-0313) and possibly Message Carbons (XEP-0280).
  256. XMPP | XMPP software
  257. IM Observatory - Public XMPP Server Directory
  258. XMPP servers - a list of public XMPP servers, free for everyone to use
  259. XMPP Compliance Tester
  260. Server overview · XMPP Compliance Tester
  261. CryptCheck - also checks XMPP, not only HTTPS/TLS/SSH
  262. All rooms - search.jabber.network - A listing of public XMPP/Jabber chat rooms/groups.
  263. Jabber.org
  264. Jabber - Wikipedia
  265. Tutorial: Jabber, die sichere IM-Alternative - NETZWELT
  266. Against ICQ | Blog.Jbbr.net - historisch..
  267. Comparison of XMPP server software - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  268. Comparison of instant messaging clients - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  269. Are we OMEMO yet? | Tracking the progress of OMEMO integration in XMPP clients.
  270. Gajim, an XMPP client
  271. Dino. Communicating happiness.
  272. Gajim: OMEMO für den Desktop ⋆ Datenschutzhelden (archive.org)
  273. Psi Jabber Client:: home
  274. Pidgin, the universal chat client
  275. Off-the-Record Messaging - OTR plugin for Pidgin
  276. GitHub - gkdr/lurch: OMEMO for libpurple - interoperable with other OMEMO clients. - for Pidgin
  277. Pidgin-Encryption - plugin using RSA
  278. Converse - A free and open-source XMPP chat client in your browser
  279. Movim - Responsive web-based cross-platform XMPP client - My Open Virtual Identity Manager aims at creating a complete social platform, opensource and decentralized.
  280. Jabber | XMPP+OMEMO - statt WhatsApp & Co
  281. Ignite Realtime: Openfire Server - very easy to setup Jabber/XMPP server
  282. Prosody IM - easy to setup lightweight Jabber/XMPP server
  283. ejabberd XMPP Server with MQTT Broker & SIP Service
  284. ejabberd XMPP Server MQTT Broker SIP Gateway Realtime Platform | ProcessOne
  285. ejabberd: Installation und Betrieb eines XMPP-Servers ⋆ Kuketz IT-Security Blog
  286. Running your own XMPP server on Debian or Ubuntu - ejabberd
  287. Jabber available behind a proxy
  288. Audio-/Video über Jabber testen | Linux und Ich - echo@test.collabora.co.uk
  289. GitHub - iNPUTmice/ComplianceTester - Compliance Tester for XMPP Servers
  290. Jabber.de XMPP/Jabber Server - XMPP/Jabber Server Anbieter
  291. dismail.de - secure private messaging - XMPP/Jabber Server Anbieter
  292. trashserver.net | trashserver.net XMPP - XMPP/Jabber Server Anbieter
  293. XMPP | Disroot - XMPP/Jabber Server Anbieter
  294. simplewire.de | Stay Connected - XMPP/Jabber Server Anbieter und nützliche Tipps
  295. Snikket Chat | Simple, secure and private messaging - XMPP/Jabber app, server and services; Conversations and Prosody
  296. Introducing Snikket | Prosodical Thoughts
  297. Modern XMPP
  298. Messenger: XMPP ist nicht der Heilsbringer – aber eine Lösung ⋆ Kuketz IT-Security Blog
  299. All rooms - search.jabber.network
  300. See also my messengers links.

    RSS / blogs

  301. selfoss – the open source web based rss reader and multi source mashup aggregator
  302. Liferea - the Free News Aggregator on your Linux desktop
  303. RSS Verzeichnis - Futter für Deinen RSS-Reader
  304. blogger fachtermini erklärt - wirres, fachblog für irrelevanz
  305. Serendipity Weblog System
  306. Serendipity - The Book - in Deutsch
  307. Das fragmentarische Quer-durch-das-Web Serendipity/S9y Online Handbuch - Nur ein Blog
  308. Grischa Serendipity plugins' blog
  309. 2k11 user.css generator - for Serendipity s9y
  310. Die Serendipity/S9y Artikel Sammlung - Nur ein Blog
  311. GitHub - ophian/styx: Serendipity Styx Edition - Styx is what Serendipity should be!
  312. Jekyll • Simple, blog-aware, static sites | Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs
  313. Ghost: open source headless Node.js CMS

    Social Bookmarks & Web x.y

  314. #gegendiepanik - Sieben Regeln für mehr Social-Media-Gelassenheit
  315. HeartMob - a community dedicated to helping those experiencing online harassment
  316. Guide for GPlus refugees to choose a new social network in the Fediverse - HomeHack
  317. Join the Fediverse
  318. Fediverse Party
  319. fediverse.info | The bespoke fediverse guide.
  320. the federation - a statistics hub - Fediverse
  321. Fedi.Garden - a small curated list of servers to help new users joining Mastodon and the wider Fediverse.
  322. delightful fediverse apps
  323. FediDB - Fediverse Network Statistics
  324. Federation is still the Worst of All Worlds | pseudorandom
  325. Matrix.org - An open network for secure, decentralized communication.
  326. Chat Freely with Matrix. | Join Matrix!
  327. Public Homeservers | Join Matrix!
  328. Hello Matrix - the home for various hobbyist projects related to Matrix
  329. Important settings :: Matrix Documentation (tu-dresden.de)
  330. GitHub - rodolpheh/awesome-matrix: A curated list of awesome stuff around Matrix
  331. [matrix] - Create shareable links to Matrix rooms, users or messages without being tied to a specific app.
  332. [matrix] Deutschsprachige Räume (+deutschsprachige_community:matrix.org)
  333. Using the Matrix room directory
  334. Matrix.org room directory ($4) · Snippets · Snippets · GitLab - Adding to the matrix.org room dir
  335. Matrix in 3D - rooms and spaces
  336. Find rooms on the Matrix Network - across homeservers
  337. Matrix Public Archive - Browse thousands of rooms using Matrix...
  338. Convene - Chat for everyone - create encrypted temporary Matrix rooms with guest access
  339. Disappearing messages with matrix - per room settings
  340. Element group video messenger | Group chat | Team communication productivity app | Matrix open network | Decentralized end-to-end encryption
  341. Element | FAQs | Help and customer support
  342. Element Docs - Element Documentation - EMS, but also common features
  343. Migrate your existing Matrix account | Element Matrix Services
  344. Element Starter: open source meets on-premise collaboration
  345. Voyager - Matrix traveler; room list and graph; long loading time
  346. matrix-help.envs.net
  347. Matrix an der TU Dresden :: Matrix Dokumentation - gelungene Dokumentation, also in English
  348. GitHub - matrix-tu-dresden-de/Dokumentation: This repo represents the hugo source of our Matrix documentation site: https://doc.matrix.tu-dresden.de/
  349. Element Matrix Messenger: Kurzanleitung für Benutzer mit Videos (Stand 03/2021)
  350. Matrix and E2E-Encryption – or: how not to lose your messages – technoid
  351. Matrix und E2E-Encryption – oder: was muss ich tun, um keine Nachrichten zu verlieren – technoid
  352. yarmo/delightful-matrix: A curated list of delightful Matrix resources, implementations and clients. - delightful-matrix - Codeberg.org
  353. Moderation in Matrix | Matrix.org
  354. GitHub - matrix-org/mjolnir: A moderation tool for Matrix
  355. mjolnir/moderators.md at main · matrix-org/mjolnir · GitHub - Moderator's guide to Mjolnir (bot edition)
  356. GitHub - Gnuxie/Draupnir: A moderation tool for Matrix- Mjölnir for all
  357. Draupnir4All Docs
  358. GitHub - jjj333-p/spam-police: A matrix bot to monitor and respond to investment scam spamming across the matrix platform, for example in rooms with a permanently offline admin.
  359. Sami Lehtinen - Matrix auto redact bot
  360. Ban Evasion and Advanced Harassment - High Conflict Persons (HCPs)
  361. Running online events with Open Source communication tools | Matrix.org
  362. Messenger: Matrix – Das XMPP für Hobby-Admins? ⋆ Kuketz IT-Security Blog
  363. Running your own secure communication service with Matrix and Jitsi | Matrix.org
  364. Create your own encrypted chat server with Riot and Matrix · GitHub - a legacy reference
  365. free-matrix-server · master · Paul Tötterman / matrix-docs · GitLab
  366. Room Versions | Matrix Specification
  367. Usage - Matrix IRC Bridge
  368. Room Configuration - Matrix IRC Bridge - the org.matrix.appservice-irc.config event, lineLimit, allowUnconnectedMatrixUsers
  369. Bridged Networks - Matrix IRC Bridge
  370. Frequently Asked Questions | Libera Chat - Can I connect with Matrix?
  371. End user FAQ · matrix-org/matrix-appservice-irc Wiki · GitHub - for example err_needreggednick and identify to NickServ - replace freenode with Libera.Chat ...
  372. Guide: How to use Matrix to participate in IRC rooms · matrix-org/matrix-appservice-irc Wiki · GitHub - replace freenode with Libera.Chat ...
  373. Matrix.org - Meta - Using Element as an IRC client; (meta.wikimedia.org)
  374. How to use matrix.org and vector.im as an IRC client · GitHub
  375. Note that some LiberaChat IRC channels might be blocking libera.chat Matrix bridge users with /mode +b *!*@2001:470:69fc:105::/64 or /mode +b *!*@2001:470:69fc:105:* ...
  376. Use freenode with [matrix] with registration and verification - replace freenode with Libera.Chat ...
  377. Matrix.org - Making Sure The Libera.Chat Bridge Keeps Working - byebye portalled rooms, hello plumbed rooms
  378. IRC for the 21st Century: Introducing Riot | Opensource.com - Matrix
  379. GitHub - rodolpheh/awesome-matrix: A curated list of awesome stuff around Matrix
  380. Bridges | Matrix.org
  381. Types of Bridging | Matrix.org
  382. GitHub - hifi/heisenbridge: a bouncer-style Matrix IRC bridge
  383. Introduction - mautrix-bridges
  384. coop-cloud/matrix-synapse: Open, interoperable, decentralised real-time communication – reference Matrix homeserver - matrix-synapse - Co-op Cloud Code - recipes including bridging with Telegram, Discord and Signal
  385. FluffyChat - Official Website - a Matrix client
  386. GitHub - ulyssa/iamb: A Matrix client for Vim addicts
  387. Element: Messaging über die Matrix – Messenger Teil7 ⋆ Kuketz IT-Security Blog
  388. Tightening up privacy in Matrix | Matrix.org
  389. Response to _Notes on privacy and data collection of Matrix (PDF) - Matthew's comments
  390. Why I Don't Trust Matrix Developers to Produce a Secure Protocol · GitHub - Some opinions answered by Matthew, May 2024.
  391. Matrix — Serpent Security (archive.org) - metadata Matrix leaks
  392. Matrix? No, thanks. — Hackea documentation
  393. libremonde-org / Papers / Research / privacy-matrix.org · GitLab
  394. GitHub - libremonde-org/paper-research-privacy-matrix.org: Privacy research on Matrix.org
  395. Ein Fehler in der Matrix – CR-online.de Blog - Matrix und die DSGVO aus der Sicht eines Rechtsanwalts
  396. [m] ~~ Aminda Suomalainen
  397. Inconsistency and privacy issues with Element, Matrix and Synapse ~~ Aminda Suomalainen
  398. Matrix abuse protection model for community maintainers: security by obscurity ~~ Aminda Suomalainen
  399. Matrix Community Closure - #7 by Henry - Announcements - Techlore Discussions
  400. Matrix vs. XMPP | Luke Smith's Webpage
  401. MXID colour predictor
  402. Conduit - Your own chat server - a simple, fast and reliable chat server powered by Matrix
  403. t2bot.io - A public integration network for Matrix
  404. t2bot.io · GitHub - Publicly hosted bridges and bots for the matrix.org ecosystem.
  405. Matrix Federation Tester
  406. Sovereignty on a Federated System: problems we faced on GNOME’s Matrix instance :: Thib views — On digital citizenship
  407. Matrix tips they don't tell you — cos
  408. wiki/matrix-full-text-search.md at master · bkil/wiki · GitHub - Full text search implementation on matrix based messengers
  409. GitHub - spantaleev/matrix-docker-ansible-deploy: Matrix (An open network for secure, decentralized communication) server setup using Ansible and Docker
  410. GitHub - cyphar/matrix-utils: Random matrix-related scripts. - megolm_backup.py - This script can be used to modify your offline megolm key backups from a shell. The main use of this is to filter what keys you'd like to share with another user.
  411. Matrix Pill Mention Rules - This tool makes it so that you don't get pinged anymore by mere mentions of your name or user ID. Instead, people who want to ping you must use a 'pill' (as they're called in Element).
  412. GitHub - aaronraimist/element-themes: A place to share themes for Element (formerly Riot), PRs with new themes are welcome!
  413. GitHub - russelldavies/matrix-archive: Archive Matrix room messages - Creates a YAML log of all room messages, including media.
  414. End-to-End Encryption implementation guide | Matrix.org
  415. matrix-docker-ansible-deploy | Matrix.org that uses GitHub - spantaleev/matrix-docker-ansible-deploy: Matrix (An open network for secure, decentralized communication) server setup using Ansible and Docker
  416. GitHub - Awesome-Technologies/synapse-admin: https://hub.docker.com/r/awesometechnologies/synapse-admin
  417. Matrix Synapse installieren – Hostsharing Wiki
  418. What a malicious matrix homeserver admin can do
  419. why not matrix? – Telegraph
  420. why not matrix? | Lobsters - arathorn's (Matrix.org project lead) reply
  421. Matrix: Grundschule forkt Messenger - Golem.de - Hermannpost aus Fluffychat
  422. Beeper - All Your Chats In One App - using Matrix bridges to chat on iMessage, WhatsApp, and 13 other networks.
  423. Are We P2P Yet? | arewep2pyet.com - Matrix peer to peer dev state
  424. Keeping platforms open - Seirdy
  425. Franz – a free messaging app for Slack, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram and more
  426. GitHub - 42wim/matterbridge: bridge between mattermost, IRC, gitter, xmpp, slack, discord, telegram, rocket.chat, steam, twitch, ssh-chat, zulip, whatsapp, keybase, matrix and more with REST API (mattermost not required!)
  427. Vorlage: Kommt ins Fediverse zu Mastodon! ⋆ Kuketz IT-Security Blog
  428. Giving social networking back to you - The Mastodon Project
  429. Mastodon - Fediverse
  430. Mastodon instances
  431. Mastodon Servers - Mastodon Server List
  432. Mapstodon - A quick and dirty graph-viz of around 2000 instances of the fediverse as of 9/11/2022.
  433. Mastodon Near Me - uMap
  434. Mastodon instance preview tool
  435. mastodir | Das Mastodon-Verzeichnis - kategorisierte Profile
  436. Trötpty - Mastodon Circle Creator
  437. The Mastodon’s Guide to the Fediverse (starting with Mastodon step-by-step!)
  438. Fedi.Tips – An Unofficial Guide to Mastodon and the Fediverse
  439. A futuristic Mastodon introduction for 2021: — elilla & friends’ very occasional blog thing
  440. Mastodon: Umzug von Instanz zu Instanz - Umzug im Fediversum: Einfach zu neuen Planeten
  441. Mastodon Thread Renderer - and converter to Markdown
  442. FavStarMafia > Was Du (als Twitterer) über Mastodon wissen solltest - Content Nation
  443. Debirdify - find bird followings and import as CSV in Mastodon
  444. Find Fediverse accounts of your Twitter followings - and import as CSV in Mastodon
  445. Easily automate deleting your old tweets, likes, and DMs with Semiphemeral
  446. Mastodon: Die Mythen und Zweifel der Twitter-Community ⋆ Kuketz IT-Security Blog
  447. Materialsammlung zu Mastodon - Onboarding - HedgeDoc
  448. PressCheck.org - even less (than "fedified") verifiable list giving a "verified" checkmark to journalists (or are they?)
  449. GitHub - tleb/awesome-mastodon: Curated list of awesome Mastodon-related stuff!
  450. GitHub - joyeusenoelle/GuideToMastodon: An increasingly less-brief guide to Mastodon
  451. Fediverse – so geht gutes Social Media | Digitalcourage
  452. Setting up your profile - Mastodon documentation - rel="me" verification
  453. FediTips: "Mastodon includes a system for verifying website …" - Mastodon 🐘 - using the example of the @libreoffice@fosstodon.org account, nice :-)
  454. Get verified on Mastodon with your website | Opensource.com
  455. How to verify Mastodon users with cryptography | Enable Sysadmin - Keyoxide
  456. Is Mastodon Private and Secure? Let’s Take a Look | Electronic Frontier Foundation
  457. The Fediverse Could Be Awesome (if we don’t screw it up) | Electronic Frontier Foundation
  458. FedSearch - Federated network search engine
  459. Official Fediverse accounts · Wiki · Fediverse / fediverse.gitlab.io · GitLab
  460. Trunk for the Fediverse - people in the fediverse
  461. Fedi.Directory - A human-curated small selection of interesting accounts to help you get started, or just to spice up your timeline.
  462. Sociologists on Mastodon
  463. FediNINA – Meta-Prepedia - inoffizielles Projekt, das die Informationen des Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe in das Fediverse bringt
  464. Safely schedule messages with Mastodon and Pleroma
  465. We Distribute – Connecting many threads in the federated web
  466. GitHub - kensanata/mastodon-backup: Archive your statuses, favorites and media using the Mastodon API (i.e. login required)
  467. Carl Chenet / feed2toot · GitLab - Feed2toot automatically parses rss feeds, identifies new posts and posts them on the Mastodon social network.
  468. Mastofeed - embeddable Mastodon feeds
  469. Mastopoet - Toot screenshot tool
  470. Creating Your Own Mastodon Instance — Getting Started
  471. Mastodon und Haftung für dezentrale Netzwerke – Rechtsbelehrung Folge 60 (Jura-Podcast) - Rechtsbelehrung
  472. Mastodon und die DSGVO | Qbi's Weblog
  473. Datenschutz bei Mastodon - Stiftung Datenschutz
  474. GitHub - muesli/mastotool: Mastodon Statistics Generator
  475. GitHub - ThomasLeister/mastopurge: Purges Mastodon accounts. Removes posts. Makes things clean again.
  476. Guppe Groups - Guppe brings social groups to the fediverse, e.g. Mastodon
  477. Switching from Twitter to Mastodon: What sysadmins need to know | Enable Sysadmin
  478. Über das Betreiben einer Mastodon-Instanz | rixx.de
  479. On Running a Mastodon Instance | rixx.de
  480. GitHub - hachyderm/community: Hachyderm Community Resources
  481. United Federation of Instances | United Federation of Instances - UFoI of ActivityPub, Mastodon etc. moderation, blocks and all that
  482. FediBlock - Join the Fediverse - blocked instances on some instances that use this list
  483. The RapidBlock Project
  484. #Fedipact - The instances blocking Zuckerberg's Threads.net
  485. Creating an isolated Mastodon server | Fedi.Tips – An Unofficial Guide to Mastodon and the Fediverse
  486. The Fediverse As Composable Distributed Applications ⋅ Plume
  487. #FediBuzz: Trends in the Fediverse - also: telnet fedi.buzz | grep -i-B1 topic
  488. Devs Are Excited by ActivityPub, Open Protocol for Mastodon - The New Stack
  489. Re-designing the Mastodon User Interface for Better Personal Relationships – Evan Prodromou's Blog
  490. Fediverse-Serie: Calckey/Firefish - Kommunikation im Fediverse auf einem neuen Level - GNU/Linux.ch
  491. GitHub - superseriousbusiness/gotosocial: Fast, fun, ActivityPub server, powered by Go. - GoToSocial is an ActivityPub social network server, written in Golang.
  492. GitHub - dariusk/express-activitypub: A very simple reference implementation of an ActivityPub server using Express.js
  493. gathio - Nicer events. A quick and easy way to make and share events which respects your privacy.
  494. friendica – A Decentralized Social Network
  495. Pixelfed - Federated Image Sharing
  496. Pixelfed - instances
  497. JoinPeerTube - Free software to take back control of your videos
  498. PeerTube instances | JoinPeerTube
  499. PeerTube instances - the more raw list
  500. Firefish - ActivityPub and more
  501. Fediverse-Serie: Calckey/Firefish - Kommunikation im Fediverse auf einem neuen Level - GNU/Linux.ch
  502. Lemmy - A link aggregator for the fediverse - Lemmy is a selfhosted social link aggregation and discussion platform.
  503. Lemmy Community-Browser
  504. Lemmy Explorer - instances
  505. Lemmy Explorer - communities
  506. tchncs - Enjoy your favorite Lemmy communities at tchncs! This instance is general purpose but it tends to attract techy people. It is hosted in Germany.
  507. Feddit - Deutschsprachige Lemmy Community
  508. Using Lemmy from my existing Mastodon
  509. YSK how to block entire instances from your "all communities" feed and/or the "list of communities" page - Lemmy.world - using uBlock Origin
  510. kbin.pub - Fediverse of content - /kbin is an open source reddit-like content aggregator and microblogging platform for the fediverse.
  511. sub.rehab · Find your next diving spot - Reddit communities on alternative platforms
  512. Lemmy Search
  513. lemmy-meter.info - Instance Health - Dashboards - Grafana
  514. Fediseer - a FOSS service to help Fediverse instances detect and avoid suspicious instances.
  515. fedi-block-api - defederation in the wild
  516. Spritely - a project to level up the federated social web
  517. Disroot | Disroot - a platform providing online services based on principles of freedom, privacy, federation and decentralization. Email, Cloud, Chat, Pads, ...
  518. Manyverse – a social network off the grid
  519. Subsocial - an open platform for decentralized social networks and marketplaces.
  520. Scuttlebutt - social network, a decentralised platform
  521. Manyverse – a social network off the grid
  522. Public timeline - Identi.ca
  523. Denticator *BETA*
  524. Nostr, a simple protocol for decentralizing social media that has a chance of working
  525. Censorship-resistant publishing for the web - Nostr
  526. Nostr Apps
  527. GNU social and GNU FM
  528. v.gd - The ethical URL shortener
  529. is.gd - a URL shortener. Mmmm, tasty URLs!
  530. Wheregoes? - A tool for tracing the redirect path of URLs
  531. Unshorten that URL! - Unshorten.It!
  532. Link Unshortener - Expand Any Short URLs
  533. twister | P2P microblogging platform
  534. Twittoons - Cartoons about life at Twitter
  535. Twitter v. Mastodon v. Post v. Other Possibilities - Teri Kanefield
  536. Twitter: What are you doing?
  537. List of Twitter Commands [splitbrain.org]
  538. Twitter Search
  539. Instalker - Twitter Search Web Viewer, Trending Topic Analyzer
  540. {TweetBotOrNot}
  541. TTYtter: an interactive command-line console text-based Twitter client and Perl platform (whew!)
  542. nitter - Twitter without Twitter
  543. Instances · zedeus/nitter Wiki · GitHub
  544. Bibliogram - Instagram without Instagram
  545. Bluesky - umbrella
  546. Bluesky - a hosting provider
  547. The AT Protocol - of Bluesky
  548. Lamebook - the funniest and lamest of facebook
  549. What does Facebook publish about you and your friends?
  550. Facebook's Eroding Privacy Policy: A Timeline | Electronic Frontier Foundation
  551. Okuna - another new social networking, formerly Openbook
  552. JoinDiaspora
  553. freisein
  554. Committer Information: Foaf-A-Matic - Apache FOAF file generator
  555. GriCal - GridCalendar
  556. Keybase - Sign your incarnations on the Net verifiable. End-to-end encryption for things that matter. Secure messaging and file-sharing.
  557. Keybase Book: Encryption for everything that matters
  558. Keybase Docs (archive.org, last full snapshot before it redirected to book.keybase.io)
  559. Popular Keybase Teams (archive.org)
  560. Gensokyo Log – Watch out! MUST READ before you decide to use Keybase
  561. [How To] Keybase.io Introduction and basic features - YouTube
  562. Ideas for Keybase to improve on
  563. Fun stuff with Keybase (dxb) - Share to KBFS on Android
  564. keybase - GoDoc - interface for interacting with the Keybase Chat, Team, and Wallet APIs
  565. Keybase User Lookup
  566. Api - 1.0 | Keybase Docs
  567. Keybase.io Card
  568. Keybase SSH
  569. GitHub - keybase/bot-sshca: A chat bot that can manage your team's SSH accounts
  570. Getting Started — Keybase SSH CA Bot documentation
  571. Building a Secure Password Store Using Keybase and Pass | Tooling Tuesday! - YouTube
  572. GitHub - Rudi9719/kbtui: Keybase TUI written in Go
  573. Leave all Keybase teams not listed in the file `kbteams.txt` · GitHub
  574. Keybase Bots - the best place to find keybase bots
  575. GitHub - keybase/managed-bots: Keybase managed bots
  576. New bot signup flow · GitHub - Keybase
  577. GitHub - kf5grd/keybasePush: Cross-device messaging system that uses Keybase to transport messages between devices
  578. GitHub - djohsson/keybase-completion: Zsh completion for Keybase
  579. Keybase and the chaos of crypto - by Vicki Boykis
  580. Keybase <-- stay away from it, seriously. - Lemmy (archive.is) - a rant
  581. keys.pub - Cryptographic key management, sigchains, user identities, signing, encryption, password manager. | keys.pub - something similar to Keybase by a former Keybase employee
  582. Keyoxide - lightweight and FOSS solution to make basic cryptography operations accessible to regular humans
  583. Launching Keyoxide.org — yarmo
  584. keyoxide-blue - Experimental fully local client-side
  585. tencrypt - a terse (read: simple, basic) message encryption tool for the web.
  586. Blockstack - Decentralized computing network and app ecosystem


  587. RIPE Network Coordination Centre
  588. ICANN | Home Page
  589. DENIC eG: Wir sind .de
  590. InterNIC Whois (.com .net .org .edu)
  591. uwhois.com
  592. Whois Lookup & Domain Availability Search | DomainTools
  593. Reverse Whois Lookup | Domain Ownership Search | DomainTools
  594. united-domains.de - suchen & registrieren
  595. Njalla — A privacy-aware domain registration service
  596. Freenom - A Name for Everyone
  597. Internet Forensics- IPduh apropos, ip, ipv6, dns, idn, url, ...
  598. ROBTEX.NET - DNS lookup tool, reverse IP, ...
  599. IP Location Finder - Geolocation
  600. IP to Country Database (IPV4 and IPV6) - with Country IP listing and Range2CIDR/CIDR2Range conversion
  601. RFC 1878 - Variable Length Subnet Table For IPv4 - CIDR
  603. What is CIDR - Classless Inter-Domain Routing
  604. IP to CIDR online converter
  605. CIDR to IPv4 Address Range Utility Tool | IPAddressGuide
  606. CIDR to IPv6 Address Range Utility Tool | IPAddressGuide
  607. IPv4 Address to IPv6 Address Conversion | IPAddressGuide
  608. Online IP CIDR / VLSM Supernet Calculator
  609. Linux: IP Subnet (CIDR) Calculator That Will Help You With Network Settings - nixCraft - sipcalc, whatmask
  610. rgxg - ReGular eXpression Generator - generate regex of addresses in a CIDR block, to use with Apache 2.2 RewriteCond (as RewriteCond "-R '...cidr...'" is only available as of 2.4)
  611. IP CIDR Validation and Analysis
  612. RIPE NCC Training Course Material — RIPE Network Coordination Centre - IPv6 training courses
  613. Chaos Computer Club - DNS Konfiguration how-to
  614. OpenDNS | Providing A Safer And Faster Internet - unfortunately now part of Cisco
  615. deSEC – Free Secure DNS - DNS management and dynDNS
  616. FreeDNS - Free DNS - Dynamic DNS - Static DNS subdomain and domain hosting
  617. Free Dynamic DNS - No-IP.com - Managed DNS Services
  618. Free Dynamic DNS services for Dynamic IP (dnsexit.com)
  619. Free dynamic DNS for IPv6
  620. DNS-O-Matic | Distribute dynamic IP changes to multiple services (dnsomatic.com)
  621. DDNS – Free Dynamic DNS Providers | DNS Lookup
  622. DynSite - Supported DDNS Services
  623. HOW-TO: be your own DDNS provider [ALW - Home]
  624. El cheapo dynamic DNS | nerdbynature - list of free dynamic DNS providers (February 15. 2015)
  625. SixXS - IPv6 Deployment & Tunnel Broker - http://${IPv6-server.example.org}.ipv4.sixxs.org
  626. The world in which IPv6 was a good design - apenwarr
  627. Introduction to DNSCurve
  628. InterRob | Super Suchmaschine | IP-Nummer suchen
  629. Domains kaufen | Domains verkaufen | Domains parken | Sedo
  630. Persistent URL Home Page
  631. URLMetriken


  632. What Is My IP Address? - ifconfig.me - curl-able
  633. What Is My IP Address? - Yet Another ifconfig - curl-able
  634. Comprehensive IP address data, IP geolocation API and database - IPinfo.io - curl-able
  635. IP Geolocation API & Free Address Database | DB-IP - curl-able with https://api.db-ip.com/v2/free/"$ip"
  636. ip.bieringer.net - IP Address Information Test Page
  637. Geolocate the Location of an IP Address | Geolocation
  638. IP2Location IP GeoLocation & Proxy Detection Web Service (REST API) | IP2Location - curl-able
  639. httpinfo - curl-able
  640. What Is My IP Address? IP Address Tools and More - blacklist checks
  641. What Is My IP Address Lookup - IP Tools, Locator, Trace Any IP Address!
  642. IP/DNS Detect - What is your IP, what is your DNS, what informations you send to websites.
  643. IP Address properties of your Internet Connection --> showmyip.com <--
  644. Your IP Address's GeoIP2 Data | MaxMind
  645. IP Anywhere
  646. Geo Data Tool - View my IP information - or that of any host, with map
  647. Me and My Shadow
  648. Whoer.net - find out IP address: Extended version
  649. Detect my Browser :: Browser, Browser Plugin, HTML5 and CSS3 detection
  650. BrowserSpy.dk
  651. Panopticlick - How Unique, and Trackable, Is Your Browser?
  652. AmIUnique - Learn how identifiable you are on the Internet
  653. Cross-browser fingerprinting test 2.0
  654. International PET Portal - fingerprint
  655. Demo: Disabling JavaScript Won’t Save You from Fingerprinting
  656. No-JavaScript fingerprinting
  657. GitHub - OliverBrotchie/CSS-Fingerprint: Pure CSS device fingerprinting.
  658. CSS Fingerprint
  659. BrowserLeaks.com — Web Browser Security Checklist for Identity Theft Protection
  660. Tracking - Nutzerverfolgung im Internet
  661. Träcktor - ein Offline-DSGVO-Beschwerdegenerator gegen Tracking-Einbettungen
  662. How unique are your usernames?
  663. Wir sind nur noch Datenlieferanten – Not my data! Teil1 • Kuketz IT-Security Blog
  664. GURU'S HEAVEN - Sicher und anonym ins Internet
  665. Onion Routing: Privacy Test Sites
  666. What the Internet knows about you - browser history stealing
  667. GitHub - AnonymousPlanet/thgtoa: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Online Anonymity
  668. .: [ TOOLS-ON.NET - Network tools from Alexander K. Yezhov ] :. Free tools for connected people. Online privacy and proxy tests, flexible whois tool, ping, traceroute and more.
  669. Free online network utilities - traceroute, nslookup, automatic whois lookup, ping, finger
  670. traceroute.org
  671. Breitbandmessung im Auftrag der Bundesnetzagentur, läuft ohne 3rd-party scripts
  672. Speedtest.net - The Global Broadband Speed Test - enable cdnst.net script and ooklaserver.net XHR
  673. GitHub - sivel/speedtest-cli: Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using speedtest.net - Debian and Fedora have this as package speedtest-cli
  674. SpeedOf.Me | Internet speed test for all devices
  675. speedtest.wtnet.de - public iPerf3 and iPerf speedtest server
  676. iPerf - The TCP, UDP and SCTP network bandwidth measurement tool
  677. Wie ist meine IP-Adresse? plus DSL Speed-Test
  678. SpeedGuide.net TCP/IP Analyzer
  679. IPv6 test - IPv6/4 connectivity and speed test
  680. Internet Speed Test | Fast.com - Netflix test
  681. Netalyzr | heise Netze
  682. All Net Tools - Tool Box - Network
  683. IP Address Locator - Enter an IP address to find its location - Lookup Country Region City etc
  684. My IP Address Lookup - Community Geotarget IP Project - what country, city ip addresses map to - IP Trace
  685. utrace - IP-Adressen und Domainnamen lokalisieren
  686. Vendor/Ethernet MAC Address Lookup and Search
  687. Paterva: A new train of thought » Information Gathering Service - get an idea of what other people may do with your data
  688. Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand...
  689. Web-Sniffer: View HTTP Request and Response Header
  690. Netcraft Uptime Survey plus: What's That Site Running?
  691. Disconnect | Online Privacy & Security


  692. Anonymous Proxy Server. (anonymous-proxy.eu) needs cookies
  693. Proxy.org - The Proxy Authority
  694. Most Fresh Web Based Proxies! Daily New Unblocked Proxy Websites (proxy-free.de)
  695. Privax - Protecting Your Online Privacy - proxy sites
  696. Proxy Topsite - Myspace Proxy, Unblock Myspace, Myspace Proxies - Rankings - All Sites
  697. Free Public Proxy Servers Lists: HTTP, HTTPS/Secure/Tunnel/Connect/IRC, SOCKS, CGI/PHP/Web, transparent/anonymous/elite/high anonymous, standard, non-standard ports
  698. Free Proxy Server List | New Proxy Sites | Web-Proxies.org
  699. Proxz.com : free, fresh, and fast


  700. Anonym im Internet mit Anon-Plattformen
  701. Are you using Tor?
  702. Tor: anonymity online
  703. GetTor | Download Tor Browser for Android, Windows, Linux, OS X - mirror on GitHub.io
  704. GitHub - TheTorProject/gettorbrowser: This is a repository to provide links for downloading Tor Browser from Github.
  705. GetTor - alternative methods to obtain the Tor Browser, request via XMPP, Twitter, ...
  706. BridgeDB - The Tor Project Bridges
  707. Snowflake (torproject.org) - Snowflake is a system to defeat internet censorship.
  708. Welcome to Tor Metrics
  709. Tor Exit Router Page
  710. TorStatus - Tor Network Status and .onion
  711. Tor Node Lists | Hacked by tokeichun (fissionrelays.net) and .onion
  712. nusenu.github.io - OrNetStats and OrNetRadar monitoring Tor network
  713. Is “KAX17” performing de-anonymization Attacks against Tor Users? | by nusenu | Nov, 2021 | Medium
  714. Tracking One Year of Malicious Tor Exit Relay Activities (Part II) | by nusenu | Medium
  715. GitHub - alecmuffett/real-world-onion-sites: This is a list of substantial, commercial-or-social-good mainstream websites which provide onion services.
  716. GitHub - alecmuffett/eotk: Enterprise Onion Toolkit
  717. Tails - Privacy for anyone anywhere - The Amnesic Incognito Live System - live DVD/USB with Tor and cryptographic tools
  718. How to Setup Delta Chat on Tails in 4 Steps – Nami
  719. Ricochet Refresh | A Blueprint For Free speech initiative to update and improve Ricochet - messaging over Tor network
  720. Tor2web: Browse the Tor Onion Services
  721. Raspberry Pi: Bauanleitung des anonymisierenden Tor-Routers SpOnionPi - SPIEGEL ONLINE
  722. Überwachung: Wie Sie im Netz anonym und sicher bleiben | ZEIT ONLINE
  723. XKeyscore-Quellcode: Tor-Nutzer werden von der NSA als Extremisten markiert und überwacht | heise online
  724. Deutsche im Visier des US-Geheimdienstes: Von der NSA als Extremist gebrandmarkt | tagesschau.de
  725. Eigen TOR | Nerd Gallery
  726. Privoxy - Home Page
  727. Flash Proxies - Flash proxies are a new way of providing access to a censorship circumvention system such as Tor.
  728. Tor-Web-Proxy
  729. I2P Anonymous Network - I2P - The Invisible Internet Project
  730. I2P-Web-Proxy
  731. i2p — anonymous network (reddit)
  732. The Overlay - Building The Invisible Internet (I2P)
  733. I2P based Live OS : i2p
  734. RELEASE: Prestium 1.2 - Bug fixes, security improvements and updated tools & applications : i2p
  735. Prestium (reddit)
  736. Bitmask - an open source application to provide easy and secure encrypted communication with a VPN
  737. Agent String Switchboard.
  738. TorCheck at Xenobite.eu - HTTPS-Mode (SSL)
  739. TOR Node Check - WhatIsMyIP.net
  740. Tor-Proxy.NET
  741. Ahmia — Search Tor Hidden Services - .onion
  742. What is the Dark Web, Search Engines, and What Not to Do on the Dark Web
  743. Tor einfach nutzen | heise Security
  744. Tor und die versteckten Dienste | heise Security
  745. OnionCat – An Anonymous VPN-Adapter
  746. GitHub - rahra/onioncat: Official repository of OnionCat, the VPN adapter for Tor and I2P.
  747. OnionCat Archives > cYpherpunK.at
  748. TorChat - Google Code - peer to peer instant messenger
  750. AN.ON - Anonymität.Online: Projektübersicht
  751. The Free Haven Project
  752. GNUnet - GNU`s decentralized anonymous and censorship-resistant P2P framework
  753. SECUSHARE - secushare employs GNUnet for end-to-end encryption and anonymizing mesh routing (because it has a more suitable architecture than Tor or I2P) and applies PSYC on top (because it performs better than XMPP, JSON or OStatus) to create a distributed social graph. Together, these technologies allow for distributed private social networking including more straightforward and secure e-mail, chat, exchange of content and a private web. It could even work out as a safer choice for the Internet of Things.
  754. The Freenet Project
  755. Yggdrasil | Yggdrasil Network - an early-stage implementation of a fully end-to-end encrypted IPv6 network.
  756. GitHub - neilalexander/yggmail: End-to-end encrypted email for the mesh networking age
  757. How to Use Freenet for Social Networking | The Last Bastille
  758. Blockstack - The New Decentralized Internet
  759. tinc wiki - tinc is a Virtual Private Network (VPN) daemon that uses tunnelling and encryption to create a secure private network between hosts on the Internet.
  760. PrivacyDongle (Torpark auf USB-Stick), FoeBuD e.V. - Unterstützungsbedarf
  761. Polippix - The privacy CD
  762. anonymityanywhere.com
  763. xB Browser - formerly Torpark - a variant of Portable Firefox for Windows with Tor built into it to put on an USB drive
  764. Anonymouse.org
  765. Psiphon | Uncensored Internet access for Windows and Mobile
  766. Retroshare - a Free and Open Source cross-platform, Friend-2-Friend and secure decentralised communication platform
  767. Privacy Service (cotse.net)
  768. PrivacyBox - anonymer Kontakt fuer Journalisten
  769. Webinterface of "awxcnx" - Anonyme Webservices, German Privacyi Foundation e.V.
  770. Privacy Service (cotse.net)
  771. Bananasplit Website - mixmaster remailer and web interface
  772. GitHub - Bitmessage/PyBitmessage: Reference client for Bitmessage: a P2P encrypted decentralised communication protocol:
  773. ZeroNet: Decentralized websites using Bitcoin cryptography and the BitTorrent network


  774. FAQ, Abkuerzungen: de.admin.net-abuse.mail
  775. FAQs: Einführung in de.admin.net-abuse.mail
  776. Falsche E-Mail-Adressen - FAQ
  777. Best Practices | M3AAWG - recommendations by the Messaging, Malware and Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group
  778. Rspamd spam filtering system
  779. spamgourmet - free disposable email addresses, spam blocking
  780. Mailinator - Let Them Eat Spam!
  781. 10 Minute Mail
  782. Wegwerf-Email von TRASH-MAIL - dem Fake-Email Provider - 3 Monate nach letzter Benutzung
  783. Nervmich.net, die Wegwerfadresse für effektiven Spamschutz - 24,48,72 Stunden
  784. ᐅ Tempr.email · Anonyme Wegwerf-eMail-Adresse, TrashMail, Temp Mail - 30 Tage
  785. Wegwerf-eMail, Einweg eMail-Adressen | spoofmail.de
  786. YOPmail - Disposable Email Address
  787. TrashMail - Disposable email addresses - forwarder
  788. byom.de Wegwerf Emails: Trashmail mal anders! - do not click the Start button ...
  789. yadim.dismail.de - yet another temporary email service, 3 days
  790. Wegwerf Email » Trash Mails ohne Registrierung empfangen » Wegwerf Emails | mytrashmailer.com
  791. Ohne Handy WhatsApp oder Facebook - SMS empfangen ohne SIM oder Handy | mytrashmobile.com
  792. anonbox :: Chaos Computer Club - anonymous one-time email addresses
  793. Free, Open-source Anonymous Email Forwarding - addy.io
  794. spamfence powered by eleven - About Spamfence
  795. SpamAssassin: Welcome to SpamAssassin
  796. Safe-mail.net
  797. Mail2Tor.com - info page for the mail2tor .onion/ Tor hidden service
  798. FastMail - reliable email hosting services (IMAP, POP, SMTP, Web)
  799. Anonymous email - (ubuntuguide.org)
  800. MultiRBL.valli.org - Blacklist, Whitelist and FCrDNS check tool
  801. BLACKLISTALERT.ORG - Test if your IP or DOMAIN is listed in a spamdatabase
  802. UCEPROTECT®-Network - Spam Datenbank Abfrage
  803. SPF: Project Overview
  804. SPF: SPF Record Syntax
  805. Sender Policy Framework (SPF) Record Lookup - SPF Check - MxToolBox
  806. SPF Query Tool
  807. SPF records
  808. Authentication - check SPF, DKIM, DMARC records
  809. Email sender guidelines - Google Workspace Admin Help - SPF, DKIM, DMARC, ...
  810. IONOS SPF - Damit Ihre E-Mails gut ankommen - IONOS Hilfe
  811. gmx.de und web.de haben Mail-Rejects durch SPF - Heinlein Support - Unser Linux-Blog für Admins - SPF is broken by design
  812. Änderung der E-Mail-Prüfung bei United Internet (1&1, GMX und Web.de) « DomainFactory Blog - SPF
  813. Distributed Spam Harvester Tracking Network | Project Honey Pot - go IP Data
  814. SmartWhois
  815. Combating Comment Spam/Denying Access « WordPress Codex
  816. Abuse.net
  817. SamSpade.org
  818. MAPS - Stopping Spam at its Source
  819. Neil Gunton: Stopping Spambots: A Spambot Trap
  820. Tagged Message Delivery Agent (TMDA) Homepage
  821. A Plan for Spam - Bayesian filter (Paul Graham)
  822. Better Bayesian Filtering (Paul Graham)
  823. CRM114 gets 99.87% (Paul Graham)
  824. [ HOSTSFILE.MINE.NU ] [ HOSTS FILE PROJECT ] - Global Advert Servers Blocklist - block advertising banners and popups at
  825. Abzocknews.de - Ihr unabhängiges Infoportal zu Abzocke, Betrug, Recht und Verbraucherschutz

    Distributed Computing

  826. Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) - SETI, ClimatePrediction, ...
  827. BOINC - Debian Wiki
  828. Boinc Combined Statistics
  829. BOINCstats
  830. Distributed Computing mit BOINC - Aktuelles und Infos
  831. BOINC Synergy


  832. BitTorrent
  833. Torrents Search Engine
  834. Torrent Portal - BitTorrent Downloads Site.


  835. Trojan Room Coffee Machine


  836. GGC-Project - Ein freies Internet
  837. net.flag
  838. The ZMap Project - a collection of open source tools that enable researchers to perform large-scale studies of the hosts and services that compose the public Internet
  839. Condorcet Internet Voting Service
  840. Informationsplattform Open Access - Der freie Zugang zu wissenschaftlicher Information
  841. so36.net - das netz - eine haengematte?
  842. The Geek Code
  843. The Geek Code Decoder Page
  844. Floodga(p|te) Systems - Gopher!
  845. SDF Public Access UNIX System - Free Shell Account and Shell Access
  846. hashbang.sh
  847. freeshell.de | Free Shell Provider on Debian/GNU Linux - formerly Nic.Nac.Project
  848. egghelp.org: shell provider list
  849. ninthfloor.org, unix for the masses!
  850. FreeLists | The Web's Best Mailing Lists - technical lists only
  851. net2ftp - a web based FTP client - you probably do not want to enter your password into a web form..
  852. IPFS Powers the Distributed Web - IPFS is a distributed system for storing and accessing files, websites, applications, and data. Inter-Planetary-File-System.
  853. Inter-Planetary-File-System - Eine anonyme Homepage
  854. Eine anonyme Homepage
  855. GitHub - rennschnecke123/backup2ipfs: copy/move data to ipfs
  856. GitHub - rennschnecke123/acb: a wrapper for duplicity
  857. WEBWORMHOLE - web wormhole lets you send files from one place to another; source
  858. Libravatar :: federated avatar hosting service
  859. Gravatar - Globally Recognized Avatars
  860. A Human Factors Extension to the Seven-Layer OSI Reference Model
  861. The BIRD Internet Routing Daemon Project
  862. ONI Internet Filtering Map
  863. Website Test behind the Great Firewall of China
  864. HerdictWeb - the verdict of the herd - aggregates reports of inaccessible sites
  865. Terms of Service; Didn't Read
  866. Just Delete Me | A directory of direct links to delete your account from web services.
  867. Delete Your Online Accounts | accountkiller.com - now where was that hidden link?
  868. Mimikama®-Verein zur Aufklärung über Internetmissbrauch
  869. CORRECTIV.Faktencheck CORRECTIV
  870. AFP Fact Check |
  871. Archiveteam - History is our future, and we've been trashing our history - Back up your data!
  872. FH O/O/W FB Naturwissenschaftliche Technik - Das WWW-Museum
  873. alt.org - Public NetHack Server
  874. NetHackWiki, the NetHack wiki
  875. How the CIA made Google. Inside the secret network behind mass… | by Nafeez Ahmed | INSURGE intelligence | Medium
  876. Why Google made the NSA. Inside the secret network behind mass… | by Nafeez Ahmed | INSURGE intelligence | Medium
  877. Cookie Consent Speed.Run
  878. Am I FLoCed?
  879. Understanding Discourse Trust Levels | Blog
  880. Hi there, Friend! : tchncs.de - instances of Mastodon and Matrix and others
  881. tchncs — tchncs - News about the tchncs.de service.
  882. Services - adminForge - diverse kostenlose Dienste
  883. Hyperpipe - datenschutzfreundliches Frontend für YouTube-Musik
  884. Beatbump - another alternative YouTube-Music frontend
  885. LibRedirect - A web extension that redirects YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and other requests to alternative privacy friendly frontends and backends
  886. Irdest - Decentralised ad-hoc wireless mesh communication. Irdest is building tools for the next internet.
  887. Interpeer Project - The Interpeer Project’s mission is to enable a human centric next generation internet.
  888. Grow Your Own Services - social networks, clouds, ...
  889. FemtoStar - Satellite communications, done differently
  890. NLnet; Welcome to NLnet Foundation - funds those with ideas to fix the internet
  891. GitHub - mendel5/alternative-front-ends: Overview of alternative open source front-ends for popular internet platforms (e.g. YouTube, Twitter, etc.)
  892. GitHub - aleixrodriala/wa-tunnel: Tunneling Internet traffic over Whatsapp
  893. Freies WLAN über Freifunk anbieten: So geht's | heise online
  894. David R. Kendrick: What Makes A Fuckhead?
  895. Shirky: A Group Is Its Own Worst Enemy
  896. The Tyranny of Stuctureless
  897. The Internet has a Cat! Meet Purrli, the Online Cat Purr Generator.

    The End

  898. The Future of the Internet—And How to Stop It
  899. Shutdown the Internet
  900. Das Internet abschalten
  901. The End of the Internet
  902. Das Ende des Internet